What does it mean to dream of a deck of cards? | Dreaming of drinking cups | Dream meanings

What does it mean to dream of a deck of cards? | Dreaming of drinking cups

Have you had a dream of a deck of cards? Dream symbols of a deck of cards and drinking cups are quite common dreams. If you would like a free dream symbols reading go to the link in the navigation bar at the top of the blog menu. My dreamer today is Christine from Detroit, […]

Dreaming of a Statue | Dreaming of Delivering a Box green statue of a woman

Dreaming of a Statue | Dreaming of Delivering a Box

Dreaming of a statue may not be the most common of dreams, but it does come up quite often. My dreamer today is called Marie and she shares two of her dreams with us.  It is my gut feeling that these two dreams may be linked. Even if Marie didn’t dream them “night after night” […]

What does it mean to dream of finding a new room?

Finding a new room in your dream is a very significant symbol. I have written before about what it means to dream of houses, and what it means to dream of empty rooms. Different rooms in your house (or your dream house) represent different parts of your subconscious. For example, dreaming of a basement may […]

Dreaming of your childhood home

Dreaming of your childhood home | Dreaming of a basement

Have you been dreaming of your childhood home? Or have you been dreaming of a basement? My dreamer today is Diane from Auburn in California, USA. Thanks for sending in your dream, Diane. Diane describes it: Dreaming of your childhood home “My dreams are mostly in my childhood home. I make a change to a […]

dreaming of birds

Dreaming of Birds | What is the meaning of birds in your dream?

Dreaming of birds is actually a common dream and I have written about what this means before. Birds in your dream can symbolise your goals, aspirations and hopes. They can denote a sunny outlook in life. Dream Symbols A-Z says, “You are experiencing spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight […]

meaning of cicadas

Dream symbols: Cicada | What is the meaning of cicadas in your dream

Have you ever had a dream of a cicada? The meaning of cicadas can be uncovered with some inner work. These insects are common across the world and are similar to locusts, which appear in many historical texts, the Old Testament, Chinese and Egyptian mythology. Our dreamer today is named Gaby, and she has contacted […]

Dreaming of feeling stuck, travelling and dreams of blocked exits

Dreaming of feeling stuck, travelling & blocked exits

Today’s dream comes from Paris, France, from a dreamer named Amanda. Amanda has had a reoccurring dream that is common to many of us, rushing to get somewhere, feeling stuck, trying to find your way in a new place, and travelling. She has reoccurring themes of travel – of trains, planes, big buildings and pressure. Dreaming […]

What does it mean to dream of bathtubs

What does it mean to dream of bathtubs?

Have you recently had a dream of bathtubs? Have you had a dream where you are washing yourself in a bath, or cleaning a bathtub? It sounds like a funny symbol, but dreams about bathtubs are really very common, as this is a household item that can be seen in many countries, for a few […]

What does it mean to dream of empty rooms?

Sometimes in our dreams the houses we see actually represent us and our spiritual self. Think about the position in the house as this could also be significant – a bedroom symbolises our inner self, our private self while a basement or lower room may represent our lower selves or our hidden desires. A dream of […]

How to remember your dreams: in 7 foolproof steps

You will be able to achieve the goal of remembering your dreams, you just need to practise. There are a few things you can do to help. I have spent many years studying dreams; my own, other people’s and also “dream theories”. No one can interpret your dreams for you, you have to do it […]

How to recover from a recent trauma

I’m really sorry you had to go through that – I really am. From what I know about you, you didn’t deserve it and it was probably in some way unexpected. But that’s OK – in life, these traumas are thrown at us to make us stronger and to build our characters, In this case, […]

What is Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming? Tips from Erin Pavlina

Erin Pavlina, is an Intuitive Counselor and author of The Astral Projection Guidebook:  Mastering the Art of Astral Travel. Erin does spirit readings and can use a photo of you to connect with your spirit guides. Erin is very experienced in astral travel – which is how I came across her awesome website. The astral […]

What does it mean to dream of violins?

Last night I had an interesting dream which I would like to tell you about. There was a man who was charged with looking after and curating a museum that was filled with old, beautiful and historical violins. He’d been looking after the museum for decades, making sure all the violins were looked after and […]

How to receive spiritual messages in your dreams

I have heard that we get spiritual messages in our dreams. Through my own personal experience, I have discovered that this is true. Many people dismiss dreams as gobbledegook, just a mess of subconscious chatter that is not valuable to our waking lives. Sometimes this is true, but there are occasions when we are given […]