The Year of the Pig: Horoscope and predictions for 2019

The Year of the Pig: Horoscope and predictions for 2019

What fortunes will the Year of the Pig bring us? There are exciting, prosperous times ahead for us all in the Year of the Pig, beginning on February 5th, 2019 and going until January 24th, 2020. The really good news for us all, is that the Year of the Pig signifies good money energy, and […]


Pink Full Moon in April 2017 | What is The Meaning of the Pink Full Moon?

Are you ready for the Pink Full Moon in April? Full moons tend to fill me with a sense of dread but they shouldn’t! They are really quite positive and wonderful things and can and often do change your life. There are 13 moons in a year and they all “wax and wane” and are […]

dreaming of flamingos

Dreaming of flamingos | Dreaming of a robin | Dreaming of purple

Have you been dreaming of flamingos? Dream interpretations of birds are something I have been doing a lot lately as they are a very common dream symbol. At the end of this post I link to two more posts where I discuss the meanings of birds in your dream, so check them out too. Today […]

blood moon beach red moon

What is the meaning of the Blood Moon in September 2015?

There is another Blood Moon a’comin’. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you may know that I have blogged about Blood Moons before. One of my saddest posts was, “My partner is leaving me, but I’m OK with that.” At the time of writing it, I was in love with the guy […]

Meaning of the Blood Moon in Libra – October 8th, 2014: part of a series of eclipses

This is the second lunar eclipse of the year. The first was in April. Think back to April or go back to your diary and see what was going on for you at that time. The emotions surrounding this eclipse will be part of the same process. Your relationships with others are in focus at […]

Meaning of Blood Moon, Monster Moon, Super Moon & Lunar Eclipses | Super Moon November 2016

Meaning of Blood Moon, Monster Moon, Super Moon & Lunar Eclipses

For the last few years in astology, we have been hearing about various moons. They started in the beginning of this decade, with the Monster Moon. Then we had a series of “Blood Moons” and now a “Super Moon” is headed our way. Put simly, full moons are a time of change, wishes and setting […]

Meaning of a full moon eclipse & a lunar eclipse | The Super Moon

Most of us have heard about a full moon eclipse or a lunar eclipse – but what exactly are they? Have you heard about Super Moons? These are when tthe moon comes closer to earth so it appears larger to the human eye. For the last few years (since the beginning of this decade) there […]

Next Monster Moon: September, October 2013: What it Means

There is another Monster Moon coming. I am terrified. The last monster moon shattered me. I was literally throwing up, not able to sleep, not able to eat, barely able to work, crying all the time and hardly functioning as a human being. My Monster Moon in March/April 2013 Suddenly and completely, my past relationship […]

TV and Movies from the 80s: Thanks for the Spiritual Enlightenment

Why are you laughing? Couldn’t it be possible that sometimes we receive spiritual teachings in the most unusual ways? Really, in my personal experience, you just never know where interesting concepts come into your lives. There is actually a theory that myths hold the same weight in our minds as historical figures; for example, Alice […]

My Monster Moon Move: Part Two

I had to write another post, reflecting on this Monster Moon. Last night was the last night my partner and I slept in the same house, this morning the movers came and took his piano away – meaning he is also gone for good. A few days ago I wrote a post about my partner […]

My Partner is Leaving Me, But I’m OK: Monster Moon in Libra

The coming Monster Moon in Libra means that I have to write a personal post today because my feelings are consuming me. My partner is about to leave me, but that’s OK. You heard me. I said, that’s OK. It’s OK. I swear to god, it’s OK and I’m fine. No really. You may not […]

He Doesn’t Believe in Horoscopes

Even though we’re the same star sign. He thinks it’s a fad To place too much value on tiny little dots. I think that it’s fun To torture myself, worrying About what could happen tomorrow. I don’t even need to look at the sky It’s all in the newspaper Posted using Tinydesk blog app