7 Ways To Find Cash When You’re Stone-Cold Broke

7 Ways to find cash when you’re stone-cold broke

Yes, there are a few sneaky ways to find cash when you’re struggling to pay your bills and make ends meet. We all go through times of financial stress; that’s just part of life. Finding ways to make money easily are worth investigating, especially before you do anything drastic like take out a bank loan, […]

Assistive Technology: What Is It and How Is It Helpful?

Assistive technology: what is it and how is it helpful?

Assistive technology is actually changing lives – but what exactly is it? Automation is now making its way into the lives of People with Disability (PwD) around the globe. This is made possible by the introduction of assistive technology. This high tech innovation could improve the quality of life of people who have difficulty performing […]

What Is The Best Age To Undergo Fertility Testing?

What is the best age to undergo fertility testing?

Fertility testing is something that I have recently done. In the year 2016, I went through the worst year of my life. The Boyf and I had been trying for a baby for a year, then I suffered three miscarriages. I cannot tell you the total and utter heartbreak that came with those. I will […]

How to Wake Up More Easily & Be A Morning Person

How to wake Up more easily & be a morning person

So, you want to be a morning person? If you want to wake up more easily, there are a few things you can try. I have always been a morning person; I also used to work in breakfast radio, which means that I would have to be at work at ungodly hours, often as early […]

Quick ways to heal your relationship with money

Do you need to heal your relationship with money? So many people I know have a bad relationship with money; they spend too much, don’t earn enough, are in debt and bury their heads in the sand; refusing to acknowledge the problem. And the worst thing is – their problems are snowballing every day. A […]

Hate Camping? How To Make Camping More Fun

Hate camping? How to make camping more fun

Trying to make camping more fun is actually pretty easy. Camping is not for everyone, that’s for sure, but I personally love it. The Boyf and I love getting outdoors and seeing nature, whenever we can. One of the first things I loved about him was the fact that he loved camping, like me. Not […]

4 Sure-Fire Ways to Quit Bad Habits Before the New Year

4 Sure-fire ways to quit bad habits before the New Year

Do you need to quit bad habits? Everyone has personality traits and quirks that make them unique and individual; however, sometimes, you might get into a pattern of behaviour that becomes detrimental to your health, wellbeing, or lifestyle. Trust me, we’ve all done this! Deep down you know that if you really want a happy […]

Not Being Treated Fairly at Work? Do You Recognise These 3 Signs?

Not Being Treated Fairly at Work? Do You Recognise These 3 Signs?

Are you being treated fairly at work? Let’s face it, work is usually never easy, after all, that’s why they call it work. But there’s a big difference between a job that can sometimes be something of a challenge and a job that makes you feel like you can’t bring yourself to even get out of […]

How to Recover From Failure & Climb Back On the Career Ladder

How to Recover From Failure & Climb Back On the Career Ladder

Your ability to recover from failure will ensure that you have a solid, sustainable career. Have you ever heard someone say they are fearless? Perhaps you even have a friend that loves challenges and constantly seeks to improve themselves, regardless if they fail or not. Maybe you know someone that constantly attempts new things that […]

Moving for a Job: Everything You Need to Know About Relocating for Work

Moving for a Job: Everything You Need to Know About Relocating for Work

When you are considering moving for a job, there is a lot you need to think about. These days, it’s pretty common for people to relocate for work, I have personally done it, 3 times, moving thousands of kilometers away from the ones I love. I packed up all my belongings, hired a container, and […]

Get Rid Of Muscle Tension With These 3 Activities

Get Rid of Muscle Tension with These 3 Activities

Muscle tension; it can ruin your day, right? Whether you are an endurance runner, a bodybuilder, or someone who just likes heading to the gym once in a while, the chances are that you have been afflicted by the dreaded muscle tension at some point in your life. When your muscles get stiff and sore, […]

How to show love to your wife | Tips for a happy marriage

Are you wanting to show love to your wife? Good! Today is the day my husband proposed to me, exactly one year ago – June 9th, 2015. We got married last November and since then – well, a lot has happened, to say the least. My hubby is an awesome guy, he really is. He […]

nurture yourself

How to nurture yourself when you’re feeling bad

Do you need to nurture yourself a bit more? Times are tough for me right now. That’s life, eh? So I need to nurture myself. I have had lots of happy moments in the last few years, but lots and lots of sadness too. Life goes up and down and I have written before about […]

how to say no and not feel guilty

How to say no and get away with it (& not feel guilty)

It can be hard to know how to say no. Sometimes I feel like I am doing way too much. I am constantly trying to make people happy and to “check all the boxes” in my life. This can lead me to feel tired, drawn and, at the end of the day, like I am […]