Why it’s important to do your own research on spiritual organisations

Do your research. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will know that I have some pretty hefty feelings about those who take money for spiritual help. Yes, we all have bills to pay, even spiritual groups. Yes, I will volunteer if I like your organisation. Yes, I will set up chairs, […]

How to find and talk to your spiritual guides

They are there, somewhere. I have been told that every religion believes in angels, in one way or another. You would certainly be hard-pressed to find any major religions that don’t believe that there are Beings out there that do not take on the physical forms we can see and touch. I believe that there […]

Social media causing depression? Stop feeling sad by using the Bubble Theory

OH BLAH – I mean it. What is it with life? Even when things are hunky-dory – we’re always, seeking, seeking something else!? I couldn’t be happier at the moment and yet I feel restless. All my “bubbles are doing well”. One of my old friends told me about the “bubble theory” – you have […]

What does it mean to dream of violins?

Last night I had an interesting dream which I would like to tell you about. There was a man who was charged with looking after and curating a museum that was filled with old, beautiful and historical violins. He’d been looking after the museum for decades, making sure all the violins were looked after and […]

view of blue mountains from blackheath lookout new south wales

What to expect and what to bring to Vipassana meditation Blackheath

Are you wondering what to bring to Vipassana? If you feel “called” to go to a 10 day silent mediation retreat at Blackheath, Blue Mountains then I strongly urge you to go. Vipassana at Blackheath is guided by S.N. Goenka, who has now passed away. Vipassana is a Buddhist meditation practice, but can be undertaken […]

Meaning of Blood Moon, Monster Moon, Super Moon & Lunar Eclipses | Super Moon November 2016

Meaning of Blood Moon, Monster Moon, Super Moon & Lunar Eclipses

For the last few years in astology, we have been hearing about various moons. They started in the beginning of this decade, with the Monster Moon. Then we had a series of “Blood Moons” and now a “Super Moon” is headed our way. Put simly, full moons are a time of change, wishes and setting […]

How to control an obsession when something is driving you crazy

Is something driving you crazy? Is there something that is bothering you so much that you can barely think of anything else? Human beings have an amazing power to obsess over things. For example, even David Beckham has said that he likes to make sure his fridge is so organised that all his soft drink […]

Meaning of a full moon eclipse & a lunar eclipse | The Super Moon

Most of us have heard about a full moon eclipse or a lunar eclipse – but what exactly are they? Have you heard about Super Moons? These are when tthe moon comes closer to earth so it appears larger to the human eye. For the last few years (since the beginning of this decade) there […]

How to receive spiritual messages in your dreams

I have heard that we get spiritual messages in our dreams. Through my own personal experience, I have discovered that this is true. Many people dismiss dreams as gobbledegook, just a mess of subconscious chatter that is not valuable to our waking lives. Sometimes this is true, but there are occasions when we are given […]

The tragic early death of Peaches Geldof and why it upset me so much

I feel enormously sad when someone dies tragically before their time. That is what has happened to the beautiful Peaches Geldof. I once wrote a post about her and it’s been one of my most popular. I know that people love her, I loved her. When I turned on the TV this morning I was […]

5 best natural energy boosters you can do right NOW

Today I feel OK but there are many days when I wake up tired and feel like I have next to no energy at all. I have heard a theory that all humans (and indeed, all living things) have a finite amount of energy each day. When this is used up, we feel drained and […]

An ode to my heroes: spiritual, personal and inspirational

Anais Nin If it weren’t for this French woman who wrote in her diaries in the 20s, 30s and 40s, I may never have been so devoted to keeping diaries myself. My dairies helped me to develop my writing, deal with my feelings, track my relationships and give me comfort. She also wrote erotic fiction, […]

UNICEF and the “Likes Don’t Save Lives” Campaign

Alyce interviews Tim O’Connor, Director of UNICEF, Sydney  The “Likes Don’t Save Lives” campaign was a huge hit on social media. This was a Unicef Sweden campaign – is this the position of Unicef Australia – that likes don’t save lives? “Social media is a vital tool in sharing what UNICEF is focusing on in […]

New ways of dealing with anxiety and depression

I found an article from a UK author who has been quoted in the media quite a bit lately, speaking about new, alternative therapies for people to deal with anxiety and depression. He said: “My so-called mental health problems were restored by a new generation of therapies, such as sensorimotor psychotherapy, somatic experiencing and EMDR […]