What does it mean to dream of a train? Dream symbol: Train | Red train HERO

What does it mean to dream of a train? Dream symbol: Train

Your dream meaning: train. My dreamer today is named McDonald and he wants to know what it means to dream of a train. Dreaming of a train is a very common dream. “I dreamt of been inside an intercity train and suddenly the train started running uncontrollably and was about to crash – but fortunately […]

Symptoms of depression | You are not your thoughts

As humans, we are often plagued by symptoms of depression. Over the last six or seven weeks I really haven’t been feeling myself. I had a personal health tragedy that really rocked me to my core, I am OK now but I will maybe never be the same again. That’s OK, I am human and […]

How to Cast a Spell: to Change and Improve an Aspect of The Self | Sage

How to Cast a Spell: to Change and Improve an Aspect of The Self

Ever tried to cast a spell? I have to admit it, but I used to cast spells when I was younger. I don’t do it anymore because a few of them worked and the results were not ideal. One man I wanted to fall in love with me is still in love with me but […]

What does it mean to dream about Walmart? | Walmart store front at night

What does it mean to dream about Walmart?

Having a dream about Walmart sounds like a weird occurrence, right? Well, anything we do in real life (shopping, texting, eating) can appear in our dreams, so it’s not as strange as it sounds. My dreamer today is Pamela from Lawrenceville, Georgia USA who has had a really interesting dream where she dreams she is […]

What does it mean to dream of a deck of cards? | Dreaming of drinking cups | Dream meanings

What does it mean to dream of a deck of cards? | Dreaming of drinking cups

Have you had a dream of a deck of cards? Dream symbols of a deck of cards and drinking cups are quite common dreams. If you would like a free dream symbols reading go to the link in the navigation bar at the top of the blog menu. My dreamer today is Christine from Detroit, […]

5 Ways to Connect with the Tarot for Personal Development tarot cards and crystals and smudge sticks

5 Ways to Connect with the Tarot for Personal Development

Looking to work with the Tarot for Personal Development? Tarot cards are often a fact of fascination. If you start using them, you can get connected with the 78 cards, and get to know the individual meaning and symbolism of each. You can quickly build a personal connection with your tarot cards, and you can […]

Dreaming of a Statue | Dreaming of Delivering a Box green statue of a woman

Dreaming of a Statue | Dreaming of Delivering a Box

Dreaming of a statue may not be the most common of dreams, but it does come up quite often. My dreamer today is called Marie and she shares two of her dreams with us.  It is my gut feeling that these two dreams may be linked. Even if Marie didn’t dream them “night after night” […]

What does it mean to dream of finding a new room?

Finding a new room in your dream is a very significant symbol. I have written before about what it means to dream of houses, and what it means to dream of empty rooms. Different rooms in your house (or your dream house) represent different parts of your subconscious. For example, dreaming of a basement may […]

Why do bad things happen to good people

Why do bad things happen to good people?

I like to think of myself as a good person but bad things happen to me all the time. In fact, bad things happen to all people all the time. I have yet to meet or hear of anyone who has not had bad or tough times come to them. Bad things happening are a […]

dreaming of flamingos

Dreaming of flamingos | Dreaming of a robin | Dreaming of purple

Have you been dreaming of flamingos? Dream interpretations of birds are something I have been doing a lot lately as they are a very common dream symbol. At the end of this post I link to two more posts where I discuss the meanings of birds in your dream, so check them out too. Today […]

Dreaming of your childhood home

Dreaming of your childhood home | Dreaming of a basement

Have you been dreaming of your childhood home? Or have you been dreaming of a basement? My dreamer today is Diane from Auburn in California, USA. Thanks for sending in your dream, Diane. Diane describes it: Dreaming of your childhood home “My dreams are mostly in my childhood home. I make a change to a […]

dreaming of birds

Dreaming of Birds | What is the meaning of birds in your dream?

Dreaming of birds is actually a common dream and I have written about what this means before. Birds in your dream can symbolise your goals, aspirations and hopes. They can denote a sunny outlook in life. Dream Symbols A-Z says, “You are experiencing spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight […]

meaning of cicadas

Dream symbols: Cicada | What is the meaning of cicadas in your dream

Have you ever had a dream of a cicada? The meaning of cicadas can be uncovered with some inner work. These insects are common across the world and are similar to locusts, which appear in many historical texts, the Old Testament, Chinese and Egyptian mythology. Our dreamer today is named Gaby, and she has contacted […]

Dreaming of feeling stuck, travelling and dreams of blocked exits

Dreaming of feeling stuck, travelling & blocked exits

Today’s dream comes from Paris, France, from a dreamer named Amanda. Amanda has had a reoccurring dream that is common to many of us, rushing to get somewhere, feeling stuck, trying to find your way in a new place, and travelling. She has reoccurring themes of travel – of trains, planes, big buildings and pressure. Dreaming […]