The Difference Between True Love And Unhealthy Obsession

The Difference Between True Love And Unhealthy Obsession

What is an unhealthy obsession with love and how does this manifest? In today’s world, many people are confused and depressed due to the failed relationship because they don’t know how true love should look like. In most cases, the relationship is based on idealisation and infatuation, and these feelings don’t grow into something more […]

The 5 Healthiest Sushi Rolls and Low Calorie Sushi Options

The 5 Healthiest Sushi Rolls and Low Calorie Sushi Options

I love ze sush. Where I live, in Sydney, Aussie-straya, you cannot walk 5 centimetres (that’s less than 2 inches) without falling over a sushi stand. For two horrible years, I lived in a place called Perth. It’s actually Australia’s 4th biggest city with over 2 million people. How they got there and why they […]

Ways to eat cold potatoes on the paleo diet and still lose weight

My parents are gorgeous. No, really they are. They were “young” parents, typical of their generation, and had two kids before age 30. Because they were young, they prioritised their relationship with each other, and they also placed a high priority on looking good, which for them meant dressing nicely, being healthy and keeping to […]

I am really bored. What can I do? Here are 10 things to do when you’re bored

If you are anything like me, you’ll get bored a lot. Spoiled for choice my whole life like the rest of my Generation Y, I always need something to keep me occupied and find it very difficult to do nothing at all. What we used to think of as ‘entertainment’ no longer really does it […]

5 ways to get a job when you have no experience

Everyone has to start somewhere. If you’re looking to enter or even re-enter the workforce, you may feel that you’re at a disadvantage if you don’t have any experience. However, every single worker has at some point in their lives had to start somewhere, and often that place is at the bottom of the chain […]

Fairies & other elemental beings: what they are and how to connect with them: PART 2 of an interview with Alphedia

Aphedia is the Soul Name of Fiona Murray who founded the website Elemental Beings. Alphedia is a channel for the angelic, unicorn, elemental and crystal realms, based in Scotland. Her first book Messages from Nature’s Guardians discusses the many fairies and elementals she has come across since her spiritual journey began. I had many questions about […]

Fairies & other elemental beings: what they are and how to connect with them: an interview with Alphedia | Dance

Fairies & other elemental beings: what they are and how to connect with them: an interview with Alphedia

Alphedia is the Soul Name of Fiona Murray, a lovely person I had the pleasure of connecting with recently. She founded the website Elemental Beings, where she is a channel for the angelic, unicorn, elemental and crystal realms. Based in Scotland, Alphedia’s first book Messages from Nature’s Guardians discusses the many fairies and elementals she […]

Make sure you’re hired: 6 secrets to being the type of employee that gets ahead and achieves

I have had a frustrating day. People that I have been relying on have let me down. It’s amazing how many people you come across in business who seem to have a poor work ethic or little care for what they produce. As a perfectionist – I find this immensely frustrating. I’m not perfect – […]

13 things not to forget before you travel

I love to travel, most of us do…although I do know a few people who would rather poke their eye out with a fork than leave their own backyards. With the ever-cheapening of flights, it is getting easier and easier to travel; but I don’t just mean long distances, sometimes even getting away for a […]

21 Quick ways to stop yourself from overeating

The world is in an obesity crisis – there are very few countries that are exempt. I have previously blogged about the 20 Obesity facts from around the world: how does your country stack up? And I discovered that the problem is growing, and growing rapidly. But we all know this. Let’s face it – […]

The 8 best things I remember from my childhood

It went so quickly, really. By age 10, I no longer felt like a child in many ways. Being a child was difficult for me. I am a very independent person and I hate being told what to do. I remember at age 7 when my parents told me that it was my bedtime. I […]

The Metatext of a (near) Maniac

It could only be described as the end. It had to be! All true fatalists eventually delve into that psychic-seeming sector of the brain and realize that the time is nigh. And now has come the time to tell the tale of the great fuck-up of my life. The end. The absolute end of all […]