What do rainbows symbolize? | The history of the rainbow flag
Have you been thinking about what rainbows symbolize? Last week here in Sydney, Australia, we were treated to one of the most beautiful double rainbows anyone could ever see. I work right in the city, near Central Station, in a big, pink, glass tower with thousands of other worker bees. The company I work for […]
How can I change my personality? What is the personality?
So, what is the personalitySome days we wake up feeling really awesome and some days we wake up feeling like death warmed up. I have to say that over the last few months I have been feeling really lousy – have you been feeling the same? When I feel bad I normally feel tired, emotionally […]
Scientific study reveals there is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm
Have you heard? Apparently the female orgasm has changed – again. A recent paper has been released that suggests that women only orgasm through direct clitoral stimulation – and that the G spot, female ejaculation and vaginal orgasms are a myth. “The internal/inner clitoris does not exist: the entire clitoris is an external organ,” says […]
5:2 diet plan. Anorexic? Binge eater? Issues with food? The 5 types of people that should never fast
There’s a new diet in town, have you heard of it? It’s the 5:2 diet plan. If you haven’t heard of it yet, the concept is very simple. Basically, you calorie-restrict for two days of the week, or have two “fasting” days. There are a few variations of the diet. For the most part, on […]
How do I gain a Spiritual Awakening in this lifetime?
Ultimately, the feeling of “being me” changes. It’s true. I had a lovely email from Julian Besems, a webmaster, the other day, telling me about www.preshanna.com Lots of us wonder what we were put here on the earth to do. With a bit of study – the answer becomes clear. We were put on earth […]
How to find and talk to your spiritual guides
They are there, somewhere. I have been told that every religion believes in angels, in one way or another. You would certainly be hard-pressed to find any major religions that don’t believe that there are Beings out there that do not take on the physical forms we can see and touch. I believe that there […]
An ode to my heroes: spiritual, personal and inspirational
Anais Nin If it weren’t for this French woman who wrote in her diaries in the 20s, 30s and 40s, I may never have been so devoted to keeping diaries myself. My dairies helped me to develop my writing, deal with my feelings, track my relationships and give me comfort. She also wrote erotic fiction, […]
UNICEF and the “Likes Don’t Save Lives” Campaign
Alyce interviews Tim O’Connor, Director of UNICEF, Sydney The “Likes Don’t Save Lives” campaign was a huge hit on social media. This was a Unicef Sweden campaign – is this the position of Unicef Australia – that likes don’t save lives? “Social media is a vital tool in sharing what UNICEF is focusing on in […]
I hate myself” – how to stop that thought in 10 steps
There are times when I truly hate myself. That sounds awful, doesn’t it? Some days I feel so heavy and almost crushed by the weight of my own flaws. It’s tricky and soul-destroying although I do not believe in the concept of ‘soul’ as most people do. I really think we’re more complicated than that. […]
The ego and awareness: separating your true self from your dream self
Yesterday I wrote about my life going past in a blur. Do you ever wake up, look at yourself in the mirror and wonder how you got where you are? Every day I am changing. One of my fave gurus Goenka has said (I am paraphrasing), “Every day you see the same Goenka, but think […]