Honeymoon phase: 9 things I’ve learned since getting married
Are you in the honeymoon phase? Marriage is awesome – seriously, get freakin’ married if you can. Both the hubby and I agree that we are not sure how we managed to get by before. Before I married my Noodle*, I was an independent woman who looked after herself. Now that I am a-wedded, I […]
The terrible things in my life that have gone wrong (& why they’re not so bad)
It’s true, terrible things do happen to good people. I have led a charmed life, gifted with many great things. I won’t list them all here because I don’t want to sound like a bragger or “up myself” as we say in my home country of Australia. You see, there’s nothing worse in Australia than […]
How to make people think you’re sexy – 14 sure-fire tips
So, how sexy are you – really? Sexiness is something that doesn’t come naturally to some – but the good news is – there are many ways to “fake it” and convince the object of your desire that you are god’s gift to man (or woman) kind. Here, we examine what sexiness is and how […]
Working too fast and making lots of mistakes? Here’s how to fix your life!
Do you ever feel like you are working at a million miles a minute? That you don’t have time to check things properly and take the time you should for projects? You’re not alone. The pace of modern life has gotten so quick. Many of us feel that we are expected to check our emails […]
How to take criticism well and learn from it
You’ve been excelling at your job for months or years, working hard and doing your job to the best of your ability. Then it happens – you get called into your manager’s office and he or she delivers a scathing report of your recent work. Getting criticised on the job is never fun but some […]
8 things you can do to make you more attractive to the opposite sex
We all want to be appealing to the opposite sex, unless you’re gay, in which case you’re probably wanting to be more attractive to the same sex. My point is – everyone wants to impress somebody. We all know that surgery is an option, expensive clothes are littering the windows of every nearby store and […]
How to recover from a recent trauma
I’m really sorry you had to go through that – I really am. From what I know about you, you didn’t deserve it and it was probably in some way unexpected. But that’s OK – in life, these traumas are thrown at us to make us stronger and to build our characters, In this case, […]
Do you get more respect at work than at home? How to respect your man
God I love where I work. I like the actual work I do, and I love the company but what I really, really love is the team I work in. Every day I look forward to going to work, where I am involved in interesting projects, with creative, engaging people, and together, we feel that […]
How to deal with mood swings: 7 things to fix feeling irritable
Mood swings are something that we all deal with, every now and then, right? I am grumpier than grumpy cat today. So – what of it? You want to start something with me? Do ya? Do ya? Hey? PUNK. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and I get very upset when things are not going my […]
How to cope with sadness | It’s OK to feel like cr*p
Yes, I am sad. I am not really sure why. Usually, I can blame external things, often my sadness is fleeting, but every now and then, I feel deeply sad – as if there is something wrong that I cannot put my finger on. Now is one of those times. There is a campaign going […]