I Wish I Could: Control My Temper
I wish i could control my temper In the Beginning I never yelled I was so nice But now I am awful all the time Now he is trying harder And I feel guilty Awful awful awful I don’t know what to do With this guilt Some days I want to be with him forever […]
My Asshole Boyfriend: What Did He Do to My Washing?!
Awful, awful, awful. And while you’re at it – AWFUL! This guy is almost too much to bear. Joe seemed to be in a cheerier mood and called me several times on the phone while I was at work, with various pieces of news. He then proclaimed that he was going to tidy the house […]
They Moved all the Desks in the Office
They moved all the desks in the office Now I sit opposite Andre I try not to cough Too loudly Because I know I can be annoying. I make lots of funny noises when I’m at work I stretch and grumble and eat apples and drink coke I wouldn’t want to sit next to me. […]
He Doesn’t Believe in Horoscopes
Even though we’re the same star sign. He thinks it’s a fad To place too much value on tiny little dots. I think that it’s fun To torture myself, worrying About what could happen tomorrow. I don’t even need to look at the sky It’s all in the newspaper Posted using Tinydesk blog app
Byron Society
Boulders bullion bistro Builds bold burlap catflap cul-de-sacs Favouritism flaunts callously enticing urchins untwined Drudgery drools gaudy gallantry against backdrops of cold testosterone tamed guilt. Spring sees floundering females Folding folds of figurative fabric Formulating game plans launching locals lucid Pressure preys grabbing gears in a vengeance of tempered vehicles, voluptuous seats Bottled beers brilliant green […]