My first memories of comfort eating

Oh seriously GUH. Blergh and ugh. I have had the most weird crazy couple of days where I feel this sense of being completely overwhelmed. You know the feeling – when you feel that there is simply too much going on all at once so you feel the need to comfort eat and self-nurture. It […]

10 Ways to curb your appetite – naturally

Sometimes I have an appetite that is out of control. Sometimes I want to eat when I am not hungry, when I have already eaten, when I am bored or distracted. You do not need to satisfy every craving you have. I am trying to develop more discipline with the way I eat. Over the […]

A Perfect Day of Eating? What Bollocks!

I found an article online, talking about The Perfect Day of Eating. To read the original article, go here. It was written by a bloke, so it doesn’t surprise me that it’s very unspecific and completely omits portion sizes. Plus, I think it’s quite unrealistic and assumes the reader to be some sort of angelic […]

Anorexia and Bulimia: Portia de Rossi talks

I have stopped keeping books when I’ve finished them. I pass them on to friends, or leave them in the communal laundry upstairs in my apartment building. There are few books I wished I’d kept a copy of. Portia de Rossi’s book Unbearable Lightness is one of those books. I have to admit that I […]