Botox: How I Have Wrinkles and I Don’t Care

I am not a huge fan of plastic surgery and I have been quite vocal about this in the past. Last night I saw a very beautiful woman, she was probably about my age, 34. I actually couldn’t really tell because she had obviously had quite a bit of work done to her face; not […]

Coffee Cups? Pizza Boxes? Surprizing Things You Cannot Recycle

Everybody loves recycling. Everyone goes mad for it. But people are stupid. They think they can recycle anything and everything. You cannot. Some crazy person put a used paper coffee cup in the recycling bin at my workplace the other day. Madness. Sheer madness. From Greenpeace themselves: “Coffee cups are…not recycled. Every plastic coffee cup […]

Bad Manners on Public Transport: How to Catch a Sydney Train

Public transport: I get it every day and it sucks. I live in the beautiful city of Sydney, Australia. No one can deny how gloriously beautiful Sydney is – but I have one bugbear that I’d like to rant about today. Sydney trains No one likes catching the train to work. If I had my […]

You Know Those Customers You Want to Kill? Yesterday I Was One…

The day started badly. I knew that I had to have breakfast with the girls from work, and although I admired their efforts towards socialising in the workplace, I hate my morning routine being thrown out. I didn’t want to have to wait until 10am to have my breakfast, so rather than get what I […]

The Horrors of Communal Bathrooms and Why Men are Dirtier than Women at Work

Look at yourself. Now look at your keyboard. Really look in there. Can you see a bunch of crumbs and lint stuck in your keyboard? What about the stuff you cannot see? Offices dirtier than restaurants – but no one is doing anything about it! Restaurants with surfaces that contain more than 700 bacteria per […]

Annoying Cafe Staff | Hipster Cafes, I Have Had Enough!

I’ve had just about enough of snooty cafes. “Excuse me…? Um…excuse me? Yes, you with the tattooed neck and the too-cool-for-school attitude, I’m talking to you. Can I possibly get some water here to table 4? Please…?” We’ve all been there. There’s one coffee shop down the road from me that I’ve only walked into […]

My 100 Word Very Short Story

He proposed, then he took it back. I didn’t care about the church, cake, flowers, or if I would or wouldn’t wear a big dress; wasn’t important to me. I loved his strong, manly arms. Masculine energy that he was not ashamed of; in this day and age that’s a rarity. I wish he could […]