Suffer From Low Confidence? Here’s What to Do

Suffer from low confidence? Here’s what to do

Many of us suffer from low confidence – sadly it’s a fact of the human condition. A while ago I wrote a post called What to do when you’ve lost your confidence after I was feeling a bit battered and bruised emotionally after a break up. It’s not just romantic break ups that cause a […]

Taking Charge of My Life by Telling Myself a Better “Personal-Story”

I have been having trouble with some negative self talk lately, and it’s getting out of hand. I have discussed this problem on my blog before, but I am finding this a constant struggle. I have recently split with my partner, whom I loved very much, and I am still feeling very emotional and distraught. […]

My Partner’s Criticisms of Me are Leading to Low Self Esteem (I Think)

Low self-esteem I definitely have it. But what is it anyway? I had to look it up. From Wikipedia: “Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person’s overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth.” I guess in my own mind I don’t have a very high value of myself. Why […]