Social media causing depression? Stop feeling sad by using the Bubble Theory

OH BLAH – I mean it. What is it with life? Even when things are hunky-dory – we’re always, seeking, seeking something else!? I couldn’t be happier at the moment and yet I feel restless. All my “bubbles are doing well”. One of my old friends told me about the “bubble theory” – you have […]

How to cope with sadness | It’s OK to feel like cr*p

Yes, I am sad. I am not really sure why. Usually, I can blame external things, often my sadness is fleeting, but every now and then, I feel deeply sad – as if there is something wrong that I cannot put my finger on. Now is one of those times. There is a campaign going […]

A New Method of Controlling Your Weight: Therapeutic Hunger

Are you struggling with food issues? Do you feel that food controls you? Are you overweight and find that no diets seem to work? Therapeutic Hunger is a method of mindful eating that allows you to understand your digestion and to eat more or less, based on your own body’s needs. There’s no need to […]

My Partner’s Criticisms of Me are Leading to Low Self Esteem (I Think)

Low self-esteem I definitely have it. But what is it anyway? I had to look it up. From Wikipedia: “Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person’s overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth.” I guess in my own mind I don’t have a very high value of myself. Why […]