Why healthy cooking can be a weight gain trigger

Why “healthy cooking” can be a weight gain trigger for binge eating

Healthy cooking can be a weight gain trigger, so you need to give up cooking and focus all your energy on portion control and calorie awareness. Cooking can lead to overproduction of food, too many leftovers, and overeating. Buy meals in single quantities, skip “healthy” junk food and bin all your leftovers immediately. If you’re trying to lose weight, give up cooking to stay on track.

The One Advantage Fast Food has Over Home Cooking

I am a good cook. I have several friends and relatives who are better than me (you know who you are) but I am more than confident in the kitchen. The Boyf also knows his way around a spatula and frying pan too but I have to admit something right now. I have almost given […]

Inconsistent Calorie Labelling: Why I like McDonalds, Loathe Subway

I’m going to come right out and say something here. I am a fan of McDonalds. Not just the food, but the company in general. In fact, I think as a global brand, they have been particularly responsible when it comes to innovating healthy products and providing nutritional information to their customers. Yes, you heard […]