Common Excuses You Make for Your Crappy Health

Common excuses you make for your crappy health

How many of these common excuses sound familiar? When it comes to exercising more or eating well, most of us are pretty good at making excuses. How often do you say that you don’t have time to cook or hit the gym? If you’ve got an endless list of excuses that are holding your health […]

A New Method of Controlling Your Weight: Therapeutic Hunger

Are you struggling with food issues? Do you feel that food controls you? Are you overweight and find that no diets seem to work? Therapeutic Hunger is a method of mindful eating that allows you to understand your digestion and to eat more or less, based on your own body’s needs. There’s no need to […]

Inconsistent Calorie Labelling: Why I like McDonalds, Loathe Subway

I’m going to come right out and say something here. I am a fan of McDonalds. Not just the food, but the company in general. In fact, I think as a global brand, they have been particularly responsible when it comes to innovating healthy products and providing nutritional information to their customers. Yes, you heard […]