Alyce Vayle

What does it mean to dream of finding a new room?

Finding a new room in your dream is a very significant symbol. I have written before about what it means to dream of houses, and what it means to dream of empty rooms. Different rooms in your house (or your dream house) represent different parts of your subconscious. For example, dreaming of a basement may symbolise your roots, your lower self or your core issues. When you dream of finding a new room this is usually a significant dream.

Janice from Michigan describes her dream of finding a new room

“I found an extra room in my house it was clean but had old style panelling in it. I was in heaven; I was thrilled! I could now have the craft room I always wanted. I am in the process of buying this house that I live in.”

We often have dreams of “wish fulfilment”

There are things that in our lives that we really want to happen. Maybe you are “in love” with a movie star, so you marry him in your dream. Maybe you really want a flashy car, so in your dream you drive a Porsche. Our subconscious is a powerful thing and often we find ourselves doing things in our dreams that we do in real life; sometimes boring, mundane things such as dropping the kids off at school or writing reports for work.

When you dream of finding a new room in your house, it is your subconscious telling you that there is an undiscovered (or new) part of yourself that you need to work on. Houses in dreams represent “the self” so finding a new room means that you are finding a new part of yourself, it’s a dream of self-discovery.

You also had a wish fulfilled in your dream – you finally got the craft room you have been hoping for. Whether or not this translates to getting your wish in real life is totally up to your karma and guides! Keep hoping! Read my post on what it means to dream of houses and what it means to dream of empty rooms for a few more clues!

Dreaming of something “old fashioned” when dream of finding a new room

You mentioned old fashioned wood panelling. This is also significant. This is a clue for you, Janice. This new part of you is actually an old, hidden talent or skill, and one that has not been neglected. You mentioned that the room is clean, even though it is old, meaning that you need to give some fresh attention to an old skill that you have been neglecting to nurture.

This may be an actual skill, like sewing, writing or business planning, or it may represent a part of you that you need to explore on an esoteric level – such as your spirituality, inner peace or ability to meditate.

What does dreaming of wood represent?

The fact that the panels are wooden may also be of significance. According to my favourite dream resource, Dream Moods, carved wood can symbolise spirituality and vital energy.

Wood is a living thing, and something that humans have been shaping for thousands of years. The fact that in your dream you are buying this house shows that you are heavily invested in this project of self-discovery. Explore your internal room – this new discovery of yours. What element of your personality does it represent? Meditate on this notion and see what comes up.

Thanks for sharing your dream with us, Janice!