deal with rude people at work

How to deal with rude people at work (especially if you’re a woman)

Do you want to know how to deal with rude people at work? I am always very nice to people at work and I every day I work on it – trying to be even nicer, calmer, better. This is partly because I am a nice person, but more due to the fact that I […]

Stressed out? The 7 most common workplace stressors and how to deal with them

Workplaces can be stressful places. According to the Australian government’s Job Outlook website, the average Australian works 41.3 hours per week and has to deal with around 105 emails per day. It’s no wonder that workers are reporting higher and higher levels of stress than ever before. So, what are the most common workplace stressors? […]

Do You Have Perfect Office Manners? Check This List of 30 To See How You Rate!

Do you have perfect office manners? The workplace has changed, and we have to evolve along with it. One of my goals for 2013 is to have better manners, be more respectful of people, and to try to make people feel happy and at ease in my presence. Amazon Askville says, “Manners create a framework that […]