Dreaming of A Full Moon | Moon Dream Meaning

Dreaming of A Full Moon | Moon Dream Meaning

Have you been dreaming of a full moon? My dreamer today is Edward from Dallas, Texas, and he has sent me an incredible, spiritual dream that is laden with symbology. “I saw 2 full moons, and one was larger than the other. I then saw a very bright star from the west. In the background, […]

What does it mean to dream of a deck of cards? | Dreaming of drinking cups | Dream meanings

What does it mean to dream of a deck of cards? | Dreaming of drinking cups

Have you had a dream of a deck of cards? Dream symbols of a deck of cards and drinking cups are quite common dreams. If you would like a free dream symbols reading go to the link in the navigation bar at the top of the blog menu. My dreamer today is Christine from Detroit, […]

What does it mean to dream of empty rooms?

Sometimes in our dreams the houses we see actually represent us and our spiritual self. Think about the position in the house as this could also be significant – a bedroom symbolises our inner self, our private self while a basement or lower room may represent our lower selves or our hidden desires. A dream of […]

How to remember your dreams: in 7 foolproof steps

You will be able to achieve the goal of remembering your dreams, you just need to practise. There are a few things you can do to help. I have spent many years studying dreams; my own, other people’s and also “dream theories”. No one can interpret your dreams for you, you have to do it […]

What does it mean to dream of violins?

Last night I had an interesting dream which I would like to tell you about. There was a man who was charged with looking after and curating a museum that was filled with old, beautiful and historical violins. He’d been looking after the museum for decades, making sure all the violins were looked after and […]

How to remember your dreams | I can't remember my dreams | Sleeping woman

How to remember your dreams | I can’t remember my dreams

There are many reasons that we don’t remember our dreams. I have done some research on this and what I can tell you is that lots of the information out there is patchy and vague. The fact is – dreams are nearly impossible to study. No one can understand what the next person dreams. Dreams […]

House dream meaning | Dream interpretation houses | house meaning

House dream meaning | Dream interpretation houses

A house dream meaning can reveal so much about your subconscious. I often dream of houses. I see them in my dreams, big, crumbling and often surrounded by water. I also dream frequently of other types of dwellings, of motels, hotels, tents and caravans. I have done several courses on dreams. After all, we spend […]