long-term stress

How to deal with long-term stress or chronic stress

When I have to deal with a problem, I often ask myself the question, “Will this be a problem in an hour? Will this be a problem in a day? Will this still be a problem in a week, a month, a year?” Often the answer helps me to clarify how much attention I should […]

Stressed out? The 7 most common workplace stressors and how to deal with them

Workplaces can be stressful places. According to the Australian government’s Job Outlook website, the average Australian works 41.3 hours per week and has to deal with around 105 emails per day. It’s no wonder that workers are reporting higher and higher levels of stress than ever before. So, what are the most common workplace stressors? […]


Dealing with pressure: How to manage stress at work 5 ways

When the heat is on at work or in life, how are you at dealing with pressure?  Do you feel that you often crack under pressure? So, how to manage stress at work? There was an interesting test done by Michigan State University where a large group was split into three and taught to play golf. The […]