Optimising your career in content writing & content strategy
A career in content writing has been one of the best decisions I ever made. I began my career as a broadcast copywriter, writing radio ads. I transitioned into copywriting for various big brands, and now work as a Content Strategist, managing and coaching other writers and content producers – does this sound like the […]
5 online writing jobs you can do from home
Online writing jobs are becoming more and more popular. With the rise in the importance of search rankings and the increasing ability for people to self-publish, there has never been a greater demand for online writing talent. The good news is, there is plenty of work out there if you know how to find it. […]
What is niche blog content & how does a niche help with SEO?
Niche blog content: what is it, do you need it, and how do you define it? Niche blog content is a buzzword you have probably heard. In a world of ever-increasing competition for readers’ attention, niche blog content might be a way for you to capture a smaller, but specified and enthusiastic audience for your […]
4 New ways to make money online while you blog
Many of us want to find ways to make money online while we run our blogs, because let’s face it – blogging as a career can be difficult. Blogging takes time and effort and so many people simply give up. Finding ways to make money online are far from impossible but building your brand to […]
How to fix slow load times on your blog
Slow load times on a blog or webpage can be pretty annoying. If something is taking ages to load, how long would you wait before you clicked off and went to another site? A couple of minutes maybe? For 40% of internet users, the average time they’ll actually wait is 3 seconds. On retail websites, […]
Common blogging myths: the beginner’s guide to starting a blog
There are many common blogging myths out there. I started this blog nearly 5 years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. Blogging is both easier and harder than you might imagine – it’s easier than ever to set yourself up, but keeping up the momentum can be a challenge. Check out […]