Make Genuine Connections With People And Feel Less Lonely: Here’s How

Make genuine connections with people and feel less lonely: here’s how

Learning how to make genuine connections with people should be a lifelong mission. There are lots of things you can say about the human race – and one thing that we all know is that humans are social beings. We hate being alone for any great length of time; we thrive on being with others […]

7 Natural, Sneaky Ways To Cure Yourself Of Depression | Natural Depression Cures

7 Natural, sneaky ways to cure yourself of depression | Natural depression cures

OK, let me be honest here; I am not sure there is a genuine, 100% effective way to cure yourself of depression. However, I am a big advocate for trying natural solutions to complex problems, and only using medication as a last resort (of course, your doctor knows best). Years ago, doctors did not use […]

10 Online Dating Tips For Men Who Really Need Help With Women

10 online dating tips for men who really need help with women

What are some online dating tips for men? Could you meet the love of your life by dating online? I have to admit something here, The Boyf and I met online, more than seven years ago. We are now happily married (he’s my husband now!) and we have a baby girl. Life is good. Flashback […]

Are Women in Their 40s Still Attractive | Women In Their Forties

Are women in their 40s still attractive | Dating women in their forties

Women in their 40s have lived through a lot, right? I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that no woman, or at least not many women, enjoy hitting the big four-oh. I will venture to say that turning forty is difficult for everyone. It really is that decade where you […]

How to Know If Your Child Needs Child Counselling: The Signs

How to know if your child needs child counselling: the signs

If you think your little one needs child counselling, then there are a few signs that you can be aware of. I have recently become a parent, my daughter is only 9 months old, and I am conscious of wanting to do the best for her, at all times. I want her to thrive. I […]

Couples’ Counselling: Tips to Help Your Relationship Get Back on Track

Couples’ counselling: tips to help your relationship get back on track

Is it time to explore couples’ counselling? If your relationship is valuable to you, then you need to give it every chance to succeed, and sometimes that means calling in the professionals. Being in a relationship can be an extremely exciting part of anyone’s life. After all, this is a time when you have found […]

Your Life Edit: 5 Toxic Relationships To Ditch Today

Your life edit: 5 toxic relationships to ditch today

There are many kinds of toxic relationships, and I don’t just mean with people. We often have very toxic relationships with the most banal, everyday things. Money, food, our body – these toxic problems can sneak in and take hold of us, and before we know it – we feel like we are a slave […]

5 Tips to Successful Dating in Houston (Or Anywhere!)

5 Tips to Successful Dating in Houston (Or Anywhere!)

Dating in Houston is always exciting, because the city is full of people from different backgrounds and cultures. One of my oldest friends is Dutch, an Amsterdamer, and she has recently returned from a holiday to Texas where she really got into the local theatre, bar and club scenes. It looked like she was having […]

Life Goals: The 15 Signs To Notice When You're Winning At Life

Life Goals: The 15 signs to notice when you’re winning at life

Are you winning at life? Well, you should be! Each and every one of us wants to live our best life, we’re limited in the years that we get so it’s important to make the most of them. During our lifetimes, we can develop habits and ideas that actually hinder us and our ability to […]

4 Simple Ways to Help Your Parents Adjust to Retirement

4 Simple ways to help your parents adjust to retirement

Have your parents recently retired? Let’s face it – Life after retirement can be difficult, and many people struggle to adjust to life without work. While it can be hard to see your parents getting older, helping them to enjoy their retirement is an essential way to support your parents in the way they’ve supported […]

4 Fun Summer Activities for Kids | Easy Ideas for Kids

4 fun Summer activities for kids | Easy ideas for kids

Summer activities for kids don’t need to be complicated or expensive. The summer months are the perfect time to hang out and socialise as a family, and really get to spend some quality time with your kids. There are so many excellent things you can do to really make the most of the weather and […]

4 Things to Consider When Becoming a Carer For Elderly Parents

4 Things to consider when becoming a carer for elderly parents

Becoming a carer for elderly parents is now much more common than it was a few generations ago, due to our extended lifespans. In fact, where I live, in Australia, there are now 2.7 million unpaid carers, from a population of about 24 million people. This means around 856,000 carers (32%) are primary carers, those […]

3 Important Ways to Help a Person With Disability (PwD)

3 Important ways to help a Person With Disability (PwD)

What are some basic and simple ways to help a person with disability? Statistics indicate that 1 in 5 people has (or will develop) a disability within their lifetime. Years ago, I used to work in Australia in the disability employment sector, which was a real eye opener. People with disability are a huge contributor […]

Suffer From Low Confidence? Here’s What to Do

Suffer from low confidence? Here’s what to do

Many of us suffer from low confidence – sadly it’s a fact of the human condition. A while ago I wrote a post called What to do when you’ve lost your confidence after I was feeling a bit battered and bruised emotionally after a break up. It’s not just romantic break ups that cause a […]