Common Blogging Myths: The Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Blog

Common blogging myths: the beginner’s guide to starting a blog

There are many common blogging myths out there. I started this blog nearly 5 years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. Blogging is both easier and harder than you might imagine – it’s easier than ever to set yourself up, but keeping up the momentum can be a challenge. Check out […]

3 Characteristics You Need for a Business in the Health Industry

3 characteristics you need for a business in the health industry

Careers in the health industry are on the rise. Business Insider recently looked at the top 20 jobs in healthcare. There are many ways that you can run a business, or forge a career in health. Something you might consider is opening up your own company within the healthcare industry. This way you will enjoy […]

Career Change Ideas for People Who Are Very Focused

Career change ideas for people who are very focused

Are you very focused? When you are focused, this means that you are able to centre on something and keep that as your main basis for being. Focus can be a great thing for your career. Some people are blessed with the skill of being naturally focused. They can take on a task and know […]

Know These 5 Employee Rights & Entitlements

Know These 5 Employee Rights & Entitlements

How familiar are you with your employee rights? Employees have not always had the same amount of rights they are entitled to now. Did you know that young children would be sent up chimneys to clean them during the Victorian times? In some cases, very small children as young as eight would be made to […]

Blogging Tips: How to Write a Great Blog Article

Blogging tips: how to write a great blog article

There are only a few essential blogging tips that you really need to pay attention to. It’s no secret that absorbing, captivating stories are one of the main factors that make a blog popular. Authenticity is also a major factor – you can’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You should be aiming to write […]

Write My Essay: Your Quick 1 Minute Guide to the Perfect Essay

Write my essay: your quick 1 minute guide to the perfect essay

What’s the formula for the perfect essay? When you get down to it, as an academic, you will end up writing a lot of essays during your educational career. Essay writing is so popular in secondary learning as it demonstrates two things, that you can organise your thoughts and that you are an effective communicator. […]

How to Get a Job With No Experience

How to Get a Job With No Experience

Are you looking to get a job with no experience? This can be done. If you’ve just graduated from college or university; or you’re simply stepping out in the overwhelming job market for the first time, it can be difficult to know where to begin with regards to securing a future career for yourself. The […]

10 Unusual Ways to Earn Money as Writer

10 Unusual Ways to Earn Money as a Writer

Do you want to earn money as a writer? In reality, there are hundreds of ways to do it and here are just a few for you to think about. Most people who want to write for a living want to start out swinging by making millions from writing their debut novel, but the reality is […]

The 4 Rules of A Sustainable Career

The 4 Unbreakable Rules of A Sustainable Career

Are you aiming for a sustainable career? Some people say that a rewarding career is one of the greatest achievements that anybody can accomplish. However, it’s not just about landing a great job for the immediate future. In truth, true success can only be gained when you have the stability. Essentially, you need to ensure […]

3 Top Ethical Jobs to Explore for a Career Change Later in Life

3 Top Ethical Jobs to Explore for a Career Change Later in Life

There are many ethical jobs out there for you to explore. Let’s face it, money is often not the main driving force behind career choices for a lot of people. Getting a higher wage is often not as important as doing something worthwhile. A generation ago, many people might have been content to spend their […]

5 Rewarding Career Changes for You to Consider

5 Rewarding career changes for you to consider

Have you been considering career changes lately? Career change statistics suggest that the average person will be making a career change approximately 5-7 times during their working life, others say it could be up to 20 times. Deciding that you want to change careers can be incredibly daunting, especially if you don’t know what you […]

Not Being Treated Fairly at Work? Do You Recognise These 3 Signs?

Not Being Treated Fairly at Work? Do You Recognise These 3 Signs?

Are you being treated fairly at work? Let’s face it, work is usually never easy, after all, that’s why they call it work. But there’s a big difference between a job that can sometimes be something of a challenge and a job that makes you feel like you can’t bring yourself to even get out of […]

How to Recover From Failure & Climb Back On the Career Ladder

How to Recover From Failure & Climb Back On the Career Ladder

Your ability to recover from failure will ensure that you have a solid, sustainable career. Have you ever heard someone say they are fearless? Perhaps you even have a friend that loves challenges and constantly seeks to improve themselves, regardless if they fail or not. Maybe you know someone that constantly attempts new things that […]

Increase Business Productivity with a Safe & Secure Work Environment

Increase Business Productivity with a Safe & Secure Work Environment

Are you the boss of a company, aiming to increase business productivity? Some people feel that the hectic world of business is “often like a battle”. As a leader, you are charged with the mission of getting results, not just for your business, but also for your team. It’s important to know you have a […]