5 best women bloggers for inspirational advice
Penelope Trunk An entrepreneur and start-up queen, Penelope started several successful blogs. Her current self-titled blog gets over 150 000 page views a month and influences people all over the world. Penelope used to be a highflying corporate in New York, now she lives the simple life on a farm in Wisconsin where she still […]
21 Ways to Motivate Yourself (+ 1 Spare!)
You’ve got an idea. You’re excited about it. The first few weeks while you work towards your plan fly by in a flurry of activity: you organise things efficiently, you make phone calls and send emails, you start to get things moving. Then you hit a wall. It’s not uncommon for us to be really […]
How to Move House: The 10 Essential Steps You Cannot Miss!
I am excellent at only a few things in life and moving house is one. Since the day i was born (and counting only houses and apartments I have lived in for more than 6 months) I have moved 22 times. I have moved as short a distance as the next street, or as far […]
How to be a Morning Person: Your Easy Step-by-Step Guide
I am a morning person. Are you? I think I am naturally like this, but I still hate getting up earlier than I am used to. My body protests, my eyelids refuse to open, my head hurts, it’s cold in my apartment. I don’t want to get out of bed. People need different amounts of […]
Finding Your Life’s Calling: Here’s How You Begin
Finding Your Life’s Calling is a pretty big step, right? I always envied people who were outstanding singers, if just for the fact that they probably knew “their calling” from very early on. I first thought about this in the year 2007 when I saw a live Christina Aguilera concert; she was such an outstanding singer, […]
More Education Solutions for Online Learning in Kenya
There is a growing demand for tertiary education in Kenya, and to meet the demand, Kenyan universities are opening satellite campuses across the country, with a focus on online education, or elearning. Njambi Muchane is the Director of Kenya School of Government elearning and Development Institute, and she says that instead of investing more in […]
Blog writing tips: 10 essential steps not to miss!
There are many blog writing tips that you need to know, so let’s get started. You’ve got a great blog. You just want people to read it – but are you making it easy for them? I’ve consulted multiple blog sites to gather the top tips to make your blog more readable. Check this quick […]
10 of the Best: How to Be Like Your Favourite Career Men and Women
Careers: the concept is a modern one. Before the industrial revolution, people had jobs, titles, vocations and passions. They didn’t talk about “climbing the corporate ladder” and “putting in a 9 to 5”. People have always achieved things. “Careerists” have always strived to advance and to make a difference. There are some men and women […]
They Moved all the Desks in the Office
They moved all the desks in the office Now I sit opposite Andre I try not to cough Too loudly Because I know I can be annoying. I make lots of funny noises when I’m at work I stretch and grumble and eat apples and drink coke I wouldn’t want to sit next to me. […]