What the world’s most powerful women can teach us | Quotes

What the world’s most powerful women can teach us | Power Quotes

Who are the world’s most powerful women? Strong career women can be an inspiration to women and men alike. Here Alyce Vayle looks at the career advice from some of Australia’s (and the world’s) top career women, in areas as vast as technology, publishing, start-ups and screen. What advice could you take from them? #1: […]

Annoying Colleagues | Dealing with Difficult Coworkers | Dealing with Annoying Coworkers

Annoying Colleagues | Dealing with Difficult Coworkers

Dealing with annoying colleagues can be a challenge! I love where I work and I always seek to do the right thing by my teammates. This doesn’t always go according to plan. Like you, I am merely human, and I often make mistakes. I am sometimes irritating, occasionally lazy, bored every now and again and […]

Realising your dream of being a writer (infographic)

Realising your dream of being a writer is something that you may have been thinking about for some time. Our dreams speak volumes about us as people. Sometimes they are laden with symbols and messages, but other times they point in the direction we are meant to go. For one of my readers, that dream […]

deal with rude people at work

How to deal with rude people at work (especially if you’re a woman)

Do you want to know how to deal with rude people at work? I am always very nice to people at work and I every day I work on it – trying to be even nicer, calmer, better. This is partly because I am a nice person, but more due to the fact that I […]

shift work

Shift work: Why it’s So Hard & What You Can Do

Being a shift worker has its benefits; often the rates of pay can be rewarding, the hours often flexible and some workers love shift work as it allows them to spend more time with their children, family or partner. Working shifts is common to many professions, including retail, hospitality, media, health and security. According to […]

how to say no and not feel guilty

How to say no and get away with it (& not feel guilty)

It can be hard to know how to say no. Sometimes I feel like I am doing way too much. I am constantly trying to make people happy and to “check all the boxes” in my life. This can lead me to feel tired, drawn and, at the end of the day, like I am […]

social media trends 2016

7 Social Media Trends for 2016 That All Writers Should Know About

How on top of social media trends are you? If you’re a writer, chances are you’ll be keen to promote your online presence, whether you have a freelancing business, eBook to sell, blog or copywriting career. Social media is constantly developing and is now an essential part of everyone’s marketing mix, whether you’re a sole […]


Working too fast and making lots of mistakes? Here’s how to fix your life!

Do you ever feel like you are working at a million miles a minute? That you don’t have time to check things properly and take the time you should for projects? You’re not alone. The pace of modern life has gotten so quick. Many of us feel that we are expected to check our emails […]

How to take criticism well and learn from it

You’ve been excelling at your job for months or years, working hard and doing your job to the best of your ability. Then it happens – you get called into your manager’s office and he or she delivers a scathing report of your recent work. Getting criticised on the job is never fun but some […]

Make sure you’re hired: 6 secrets to being the type of employee that gets ahead and achieves

I have had a frustrating day. People that I have been relying on have let me down. It’s amazing how many people you come across in business who seem to have a poor work ethic or little care for what they produce. As a perfectionist – I find this immensely frustrating. I’m not perfect – […]

The 5 ways confident women speak, act and behave

Some people inspire confidence wherever they go. Confidence is something that can be fleeting – it can be hard to nail down exactly as a “thing”. Often when we have it, we don’t realise it and when we feel we are lacking it, we often have greater reserves at our disposal than we really know. […]

What to do when you’re stuck: 7 questions to ask yourself

Are you stuck? Got a problem you need to fix? Found yourself in a tight place? Yep, we all know the feeling. There has been a flurry of activity online about the fact that having too many choices can cause anxiety. Personally, I have experienced this to be true. I tend to be a relatively […]

Career Quiz: How to work out your life and career priorities and discover your passion

I went through a bit of a career change a while ago – and it was the best thing I had ever done. All of us have many skills and often we find ourselves falling into job roles we can do, but that we don’t enjoy for one reason or another. Work out your “working […]

Are you wasting your life? 10 productive things that will help you get more time out of your day

Life is precious and you know that we are all given ample time to do the things we need to do – most of us are just not very good at managing our time. Where are you wasting time? Do any of these apply to you? The top 10 things that are wasting your time: […]