How to fast track your way up the corporate ladder
Where are you on the corporate ladder? Are you up the top – or still climbing? Ask yourself a few questions – Are you happy at work? Are you fulfilled? Do you have a sense of purpose with your work? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? One of the reasons that many people […]
Dealing with a high stress workplace | How to cope when you’re stressed at work
Have you been dealing with a high stress workplace? High stress workplaces are the ones that leave you feeling emotionally, physically or mentally drained – or all three. The not-so-good news is, people are now more stressed in the workplace than ever. According to an HR magazine, “One in four [people] has felt moderately to […]
The lifestyle secrets successful people implement to achieve their goals
What do all successful people do to achieve their goals? For a start, they know about work-life balance. There is nothing more important than enjoying a relaxing evening at home after a very busy day in the office – it really does help you achieve your goals and get ahead. It’s really important that you […]
How to fix slow load times on your blog
Slow load times on a blog or webpage can be pretty annoying. If something is taking ages to load, how long would you wait before you clicked off and went to another site? A couple of minutes maybe? For 40% of internet users, the average time they’ll actually wait is 3 seconds. On retail websites, […]
3 characteristics you need for a business in the health industry
Careers in the health industry are on the rise. Business Insider recently looked at the top 20 jobs in healthcare. There are many ways that you can run a business, or forge a career in health. Something you might consider is opening up your own company within the healthcare industry. This way you will enjoy […]
Know These 5 Employee Rights & Entitlements
How familiar are you with your employee rights? Employees have not always had the same amount of rights they are entitled to now. Did you know that young children would be sent up chimneys to clean them during the Victorian times? In some cases, very small children as young as eight would be made to […]
The 4 Unbreakable Rules of A Sustainable Career
Are you aiming for a sustainable career? Some people say that a rewarding career is one of the greatest achievements that anybody can accomplish. However, it’s not just about landing a great job for the immediate future. In truth, true success can only be gained when you have the stability. Essentially, you need to ensure […]
5 Rewarding career changes for you to consider
Have you been considering career changes lately? Career change statistics suggest that the average person will be making a career change approximately 5-7 times during their working life, others say it could be up to 20 times. Deciding that you want to change careers can be incredibly daunting, especially if you don’t know what you […]
How to Recover From Failure & Climb Back On the Career Ladder
Your ability to recover from failure will ensure that you have a solid, sustainable career. Have you ever heard someone say they are fearless? Perhaps you even have a friend that loves challenges and constantly seeks to improve themselves, regardless if they fail or not. Maybe you know someone that constantly attempts new things that […]
Increase Business Productivity with a Safe & Secure Work Environment
Are you the boss of a company, aiming to increase business productivity? Some people feel that the hectic world of business is “often like a battle”. As a leader, you are charged with the mission of getting results, not just for your business, but also for your team. It’s important to know you have a […]
Getting a Promotion: How to Get Ahead in the Workplace
You’re ambitious, right? And getting a promotion should be on the top of your agenda. Let’s face it – it’s all too easy in this day and age to just sit back in the position you’re in at work and let the days roll by. You know your wage is going in at the end […]
Achieving Work-Life Balance: Does Your Career Overshadow Your Personal Life?
Work-life balance is one of those things that everyone has heard about but that nobody knows how to really achieve. More often than not, people assume that it is a synonym for work-family balance, which would mean that if you don’t have children, then you don’t need to worry about it. Naturally, the assumption is […]
How to “Dream Big” and get the experience to land your dream job
Are you working in your dream job? When’s the last time you allowed yourself to “dream big”? Remember when you were a teenager – the world was yours to conquer. You knew that you were destined for greatness, right? So what changed? How did you allow your passions to take a side seat? The nine […]
How to Get Your Life in Order with a Smartwatch 4 Ways
Thinking of getting organised with a smartwatch? You’ve got a lot going on in your life. From juggling work responsibilities to managing your family and household, it’s sometimes easy for things to slip through the cracks. If you feel like your tasks and responsibilities are piling up and you have no idea how you’ll ever […]