7 Natural, sneaky ways to cure yourself of depression | Natural depression cures
OK, let me be honest here; I am not sure there is a genuine, 100% effective way to cure yourself of depression. However, I am a big advocate for trying natural solutions to complex problems, and only using medication as a last resort (of course, your doctor knows best).
Years ago, doctors did not use drugs to cure depression – this is a modern phenomenon. According to Psychology Today, “…the most recent figures tend to suggest that as many as 57% of people with mental health problems are being treated solely with medications without any form of psychotherapy,” which many would consider to be a big problem, including the doctors interviewed for the article.
Children are being prescribed medication for mental health issues too
In many countries, there is a massive rise in the numbers of children being treated for depression, and other mental health disorders with medication. ADHD drugs are even being sold in the playground as “booster drugs”, and kids are becoming addicted to drugs like Ritalin, before even being able to buy a bottle of booze, or smoke a cigarette. Some of these drugs are quite strong, and many people do end up with addictions, and other issues.
Treating mental health issues and depression is still largely “hit and miss” – doctors prescribe different meds until they get the “right” combination, which is often a matter of trial and error. This can be a harsh reality for someone who is already suffering, who might them have to deal with side effects like weight gain, sleeplessness, anxiety, racing heart and feeling “foggy” or “numb”.
According to the article in Psychology Today, “In the case of some mental health problems, such as depression, between 50-60% of individuals taking anti-depressant drugs do show improvement, but in many cases, drug treatments are associated with an increased risk of subsequent relapse, and a more effective treatment might be to combine drug treatment with psychological therapies”.
Does that sound worrying to you?
Curing yourself of depression is something that you should work with a professional on; it will likely take some time and effort, but it can be done in many cases. Remember too, that depression takes many forms. Some people have ‘situational’ depression (due to a recent event like a job loss or relationship breakup), and other people have long term, ongoing depression.
What are some natural depression cures?
The fact is, many people I know are on medication for depression and mental health issues. Some of them seem to be getting better, more inclusive care than others, and some of them are definitely more proactive about self-care.
The advice below is not supposed to replace any advice you get from your doctor. Please take your doctor’s advice, however, use your own intuition and always seek a second opinion if you are not satisfied with the care you’re getting.
These ideas for ways to cure yourself of depression are intended as a bit of fun. They are natural, non-medicated suggestions that for the most part, should be safe to undertake. Please use your common sense, and if you are really struggling – talk to a healthcare professional.
#1: Depression cure: Are you moving enough?
It’s true: regular exercising can boost your mental health. However, it’s a sad fact that many people do not take this advice because they do not like exercising and feel they will be required to completely change their lifestyle. Try incidental exercise to get started, then look for an active hobby you love.
#2: Physical cure: Is your body “out-of-whack”?
How is your body feeling? Are there some niggles, problems and general discomforts? Seeing a chiropractor (or other physical health professional) might boost your mental health by improving your mood and concentration as well as giving you a more positive outlook by getting rid of any pain you are in.
#3: Connection cure: Do you keep in touch with your support network?
Really, this should be the number one tip for natural depression cures, in my humble opinion. Staying connected to your network has been proven to be one of the best ways to keep depression at bay. Not all of us live close to our family and friends – seek out healthy connections with like-minded people whenever you can.
#4: Diet cure: Are you eating the right foods, and drinking the right drinks?
It sounds obvious, but if you’re drinking too much booze and eating total crap – then you will start to feel bad. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you are already feeling lousy – just try your best. Treat yourself to high quality, nutritious foods when you can. Buy the expensive block of dark chocolate, or splurge on that avocado or raspberry dish.
#5: Sleeping cure: Are you sleeping well?
As a dream expert, I am a huge advocate of getting a good night’s rest. Now the mother of a ten month old, I know this is not always possible. Check out my post Can’t Fall Asleep Easily? Make These Lifestyle Changes for a Better Sleep for a few user-friendly tips.
#6: Mineral cure: Are you getting enough magnesium?
Getting more magnesium into your diet is not that hard. Many doctors now recommend magnesium for depression, but you don’t need to take expensive supplements to get your daily dose. Have a look at my guide to why your body needs magnesium which includes a sample magnesium-rich diet plan.
#7: Fun cure: Are you taking the time to recognise little moments of joy?
I wrote this funny article on how to nurture yourself. The suggestions are pretty “weird” but fun. I suggest some things you can look at, smell, listen to and even “purchase” if you’re feeling bad. Sometimes just “jogging” ourselves out of a particular emotion works.
Have you ever felt really terrible, but then got stuck in a conversation with a kid about something frivolous? It’s really hard to maintain a bad mood (and even depressive feelings) while you are being distracted by something fun. Hey, doesn’t hurt to try – right?
Can I really cure myself of depression?
Yes. In fact, you are the ONLY person who can cure yourself of depression. There will be no magic pill, no genius health care professional and no miracle health program that will fix you – it’s up to you in the end.