How to Get a Job With No Experience

How to Get a Job With No Experience

Are you looking to get a job with no experience? This can be done. If you’ve just graduated from college or university; or you’re simply stepping out in the overwhelming job market for the first time, it can be difficult to know where to begin with regards to securing a future career for yourself. The important thing to remember is that you’re never trapped. You have many doors open to you but you’re not shutting all the others as soon as you pick one. Finding a job with no experience might not be easy but it’s certainly not impossible.

The first job you enter doesn’t have to be a job you keep for the rest of your life. Many people forget this – there is no shame in starting at the bottom and working your way up, or starting work at a company that doesn’t “tick all the boxes” in order to progress a few months or a year down the line.

Almost everything in life is changeable. Remember, you always have the freedom to change your mind (in fact, you may be here because you already tried one career and it was completely wrong for you). The hardest part of choosing a career isn’t finding any old company that’ll hire you; the hardest part of career-hunting is finding a job that’s right for you. It’s hard to define being “career-ready” but these simple steps might just help you out in that regard.

How to Get a Job With No Experience
Be prepared for “curveball questions” in interviews

#1: Make sure you have a thick skin

In my experience, people simply give up too easily. One of the hardest parts of hunting for the perfect career is learning to deal with rejection. It happens to the best candidates and even top CEOs and established careerists find themselves dealing with rejection. Gaining a job with no experience might seem like a daunting task, but if you are determined, you’ll achieve this before you know it.

Even incredibly intelligent people with the relevant academic background, charisma, and experience (or as much experience as is possible before acquiring your first career) will struggle to secure their first job role. You’re up against so much competition that, even if the employer thinks you’re perfect for the role, you might lose out just because so many other perfect candidates were interviewed. Often, it can come down to “culture fit” – you might just not be exactly what they’re looking for at this exact time.

Not everybody can get the job they desire but confidence plays a big part in the probability of your success, so you can’t let failure defeat your spirits. You might ruin your chance of getting the job in future interviews if you let your previous failures weigh heavily on you. Get up, brush yourself off and start again.

Whether you failed in a previous interview or perhaps in a job that you tried which wasn’t for you, the key to being career-ready is putting all of those things in the past where they belong and lifting yourself up so that you can try again. Here are 7 ways to overcome your fear of face-to-face interviews. Getting your first job with no experience is a challenge but it can be done.

#2: Make sure you have the right education & training

Obviously, when it comes to education, it all depends on the nature of the industry into which you’re entering. If you want to become a lawyer, then you need an extensive and specific academic background. If you’re looking to become a banker, then there are many different academic and training-based routes through which you can acquire such a job role.

Still, no matter the industry in which you’re interested, being educated in the subject matter involved with said industry gives you a distinct advantage over the competition. If you already have an academic background but you think you should further your qualifications so that you can strive for even better career opportunities. If you want to find job with no experience, then this is something to consider.

How to Get a Job With No Experience
Employers have already seen thousands of “perfect” resumes

#3: Use any (and all) experience

Maybe you learned a lot about independent research and meeting deadlines by completing college essays, or maybe you learned a lot about hard work through working as a part-time waiter/waitress. The point is that you may not have much experience when entering the business world, but you have to pull from any and all experience you do have in the real world.

Think about the skills you’ve gained throughout your life and how they might apply to a specific job role. This is about resume-writing skills but it’s also about thinking on the spot in an interview situation; be prepared to explain to the employer why you’re not as inexperienced as they might assume a fresh-faced graduate to be. Before your interview, make sure you research the company thoroughly and consider all the transferrable skills you have that could play into the role you’re pitching for. In my experience, being well-prepared is the way to ensure success.

So, that’s how to get a job with no experience

It can be done! When you combine your learned experience your research, your keenness and your enthusiasm you’ll eventually find the right fit. Make sure you really consider your “must have” list – whether this is down to location, job roles specifics, vista for growth or mentorship opportunities.

Often in your first job role, money is not a determining factor, so aim to be as flexible as you can on this point. Best of luck in your endeavours and ask any questions you have below in the comments section.

How to Get a Job With No Experience
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How to Get a Job With No Experience
Finding a worthwhile job with no experience can seem like a daunting task – but it is possible. Here are 3 important points to remember.
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Alyce Vayle | Content Strategist
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