Getting a Promotion: How to Get Ahead in the Workplace
You’re ambitious, right? And getting a promotion should be on the top of your agenda. Let’s face it – it’s all too easy in this day and age to just sit back in the position you’re in at work and let the days roll by. You know your wage is going in at the end of the month, and that’s all that really matters. This could actually be a big mistake.
Unfortunately, too many of us let this happen, and however-many-years down the line, we find ourselves hating the job that we are in, complaining about how bad our pay is. So, here are some tips on how to go about getting a promotion. You can get ahead in the workplace and aim higher so that later on in life, you don’t find yourself stuck in a job role you feel is beneath your unique, individual talents.
Enthusiasm – let your personality shine through
Employees that show enthusiasm towards their work are every bosses dream. If you can do this on a regular basis, will get you noticed by your superiors. By showing your bosses that you’re interested in what you’re doing will push you forward when the opportunity arises for a promotion. Check out my post 5 Personality Traits You Think Are “Negative” That Are Actually Great For Your Career.
For example, if you have finished your assigned tasks for the day; or are waiting on something to come back so that you can continue working; then use your initiative and find something else to do. If you can’t think of anything, ask a colleague or your boss if there’s anything you can do while you’re waiting, this will show even more enthusiasm and make you a favorite. Initiative is a skill that many managers are saying is lacking in the modern workplace.
Learn more – you’ll benefit yourself
Hopefully (but not always!) within your job position you have been given training on the tasks you have to do. Sign up for training within other aspects of your job too so that if the need ever arises, you can jump into someone else’s position with ease. Online learning is widely available and can be done from anywhere, perhaps consider making sure that your boss aware that you’re studying, if it’s going to impact on your time. It might even be a good idea to ask them what kind of training they would like you to do.
Learning more within your job will also provide you with more knowledge about what you are capable of doing. For example, if you work as a medical administrator, knowing more about the tasks at hand will make it easier for you to explain to the patients what you’re doing and why. People tend to be more understanding when someone comes across as knowing the ins and outs of their organisation’s position. People concerned with getting a promotion understand these things!
Reach higher – a promotion is something you deserve
If you see the opportunity to apply for a higher position within your company, and you feel like you would fit the position then you should definitely apply for it. Even if on this occasion you don’t get the position, you will be showing your boss that you want to progress further in the company. If this is the first time you’ve applied for a higher position, then you could use this as a starting point to show your superiors that you’re wanting to better yourself. It’s simple: getting a promotion should be top of your agenda.
Reaching higher could also mean that in time you will receive a significant pay rise, which will make all of your hard work worth it. Personally, I gave gone for promotions several times, sometimes I was successful and other times I have been unsuccessful but I will never have to wonder “what if”. If you really want to move on from your job, check out How to find a better job when you have a job already.
Make friends & show your personality off
A mistake that many people make in the workplace, is not making friends with your colleagues. Yes, there are limits that should be made and lines that should not be crossed. After all, you’re not there for a social meeting, but you’re going to be spending a lot of time with your colleagues, so why not make them your friends too? Be careful not to become distracted from your work and fall behind. This will not impress your boss.
Another great thing about making friends in the workplace, is that if you’re ever stuck on something, you can turn to them for advice and help with what you’re doing. You could also help them with anything that they might become troubled with. People are more inclined to help those who they have a good relationship with.
Also, if the need to swap a shift, or have a day off ever arises, having friends within the workplace will make it so much easier for you to do this. Be sure to do the same for them too otherwise you could land yourself in some sticky situations at work. If you are planning on asking for a change of shift, be sure to run it by your boss before asking your work friends.
Dress the part – clothes maketh the man
This part doesn’t really apply to those of us that have to wear a uniform. If you’re in an office setting however, and you can wear your own clothes, then why not step it up a notch and dress to impress your boss?
Dressing more professionally will show your superiors that you’re willing to do what is needed to get the position you’re after, and also that you’d be a good role model for other members of staff. Also, who doesn’t like feeling nice with what they’re wearing? I have complied some tips on this post (even if you’re not at an interview, the same principles apply) What to wear to a job interview – 5 experts weigh in. When you’re getting a promotion, these are all things to consider.
Things to remember when getting a promotion
When you applied for this job, were you completely truthful on your resume? Look back on it and check to see whether you’ve listed anything on there that you may have “embellished”. If you do want to progress forward and you’ve realised that something on your resume isn’t right, then set up a meeting with your boss before applying for any promotions. In this case, they will know that they may have to provide extra training, and you’re showing that you’re truthful and serious about the position. It’s better to do it that way rather than accepting a position and being unable to perform.
Being on time every day will also get you ahead of the game. Sometimes though, being late to work is unavoidable due to unexpected traffic jams, or failure in public transport to show up. The best thing to do here, is as soon as you know you’re going to be late, phone into work and explain the situation truthfully, then the next day, show up a little earlier to show your boss that you don’t want that happening again. This will show that you’re trustworthy, and going back to a point from earlier, enthusiastic.
Remember, getting ahead in the workplace shouldn’t be a hard task for anyone to do. Be enthusiastic, punctual, dress well, and learn more about your job and you should be well on your way to the promotion you deserve. Good luck!

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