What does it mean to dream of birds?
Have you had a dream of birds? They are very common and are in many cases highly symbolic. Let’s take a look at what dream symbols mean for your waking life – specifically in this case – when you have a dream of birds.
Another night, another dream. Last night I was attacked by swooping cockatoos. These are gorgeous, crested Australian birds that have white plumage and a festive yellow crest. Everybody loves them. The problem was, in my dream, they were black…and giving me a very hard time too! Have you had a recent dream of birds?
It is common to dream of birds
One of the best places online to get a comprehensive Dream Symbols guide is from the Dream Moods Dictionary: “Birds in your dream symbolize your goals, aspirations and hopes. To dream of chirping and/or flying birds represent joy, harmony, ecstasy, balance, and love. It denotes a sunny outlook in life. You are experiencing spiritual freedom and psychological liberation. It is almost as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.”
Not so much for me. My birds were black and on the attack. What might this mean?
Want more information? Click to read Dreaming of Birds | What is the meaning of birds in your dream?
Attacking birds
To dream of aggressive birds (if they were attacking you, or killing people, in your dream) is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice of who you know in your waking life that could remind you of a bird, or who has a name that sounds like a bird’s name – this is the person to watch out for. (source)
Bird attacking: Fear of ideas, ideals or opinions; verbal or mental (suggestions or suggestive behaviour) attack by others; fear of going beyond one’s narrow boundaries. Be daring and face the restraints that hold you back. (source)
I have also updated this post on Dreaming About Birds with some additional info that was sent in by two of my readers. Click to read Dreaming of Birds | What is the meaning of birds in your dream?
To dream of birds on the attack means that you are being pulled in too many directions. You are experiencing conflict with your spirituality. If the birds are trying to break into houses, then it implies that you are not following your desired path in life. Others are meddling in your life and interfering with your life path. (source)
What are the colours of the birds in the dream?
If the bird is white in the dream, it means that one’s work is clean, if his color is tanned in the dream, it means that one’s work is tainted. (source)
Birds represent physical and emotional freedom. They can also represent religious feelings. (source)
Experiencing conflict with my spirituality
I think this is what my dream means. My actions in life are often counter to my spiritual goals and pursuits. It’s hard knowing the right things to do, and finding yourself constantly hamstrung and not being able to do it.
As we have discovered, dreaming of birds is about your spirituality inside. They are a representation of your goals and highs. In this case, Lenora, you knew the bird’s name, and when you called it, it came to you. This is very interesting, because to hear your name being called in your dream indicates that you are in touch and in tune with your spirituality.
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In my dream, I was taking part in a survey studying wild birds that trusted humans, there were 3 of us that had a wild bird that would come to our hands, and in the dream the survey people decided to film and monitor reactions when they were brought indoors to treat for any mites and parasites, turned out my little female sparrow had mites attacking her eyes, would have been painful and led to blindness and death, she was a little nervous but had complete trust in me, got treated and released, the survey ultimately wanted to see if the trust would pass onto mates and young, hopefully slowly to control diseases such as avian flu in wild birds
Hi Chris,
Thanks for getting in touch. Only you can truly interpret your dreams but I suggest doing some meditation on this one. Mites and bugs can symbolise things that are “bugging you”, bothering you and getting under your skin. Eyes are the windows to the soul, so if there is something in your eye – this means that you may have spiritual obstacles to overcome. Try to find out what the sparrow in your dream represented to you – is it yourself, someone else? Thanks for getting in touch.
So I’ve had a dream where a tsll black flightless has been roaming around and attacks anyone in sight. Usually there’s just one, thete was 4 this time.
Hi Taylor,
Thanks for your email. Only you can truly interpret your dreams so I suggest that you meditate on this symbology. In terms of universal symbols – the number 4 means “creation”, “wholeness”, “completion”. Flightless birds like emus and ostriches can mean blockages or “putting your head in the sand”. Maybe you are “not facing reality” and need to be attacked by your subconscious in your dreams to make you take notice. What feelings are “pecking away at you”? Are you being attacked from various angles in your life? Birds also symbolise your inner spirituality so be aware that this dream may be your inner subconscious trying to contact you about something important.
take care and sweet dreams.
love, Alyce
I had this dream that left me troubled for some reason. I was on the backyard of my house when I saw a white, baby bird coming to me and it flipped its wings on my face, its wings were poisonous. After it, another bird, but this time bigger, flew to me attacking my face with its poisonous wings.
I went into my house and called my partner, I asked her to call the ambulance as I was feeling ill. She couldn’t understand why; I tried to explain, but I couldn’t talk as my throat was getting blocked because of the bird’s poison. I fainted, fell and died while I saw my girlfriend screaming in horror.
What could this mean? I woke up with an odd feeling from it.
Hi Kaine,
This is a very interesting dream and I can understand that it must have been troubling for you. Dreaming of your throat might often symbolise the things that have been left unsaid, or the things you are having trouble expressing. Is there something you have been meaning to say to your partner that you are holding back? Is there some “poison” in your relationship that you want to address, but cannot out of fear?
Only you can truly interpret your dreams, but when we wake up troubled, our dreams deserve deeper investigation, as they are often messages from our subconscious, or our Guides.
Thanks for sharing this dream and I suggest you do some meditation on it. Try to go back to the feelings you experienced, live the dream again in your waking life, and see what clues you can find.
All the strength,
I saw beautiful large red and yellow hand tamed pet budgies in a cage and beautiful large green pet parrots in an open cage but not flying off. The birds semed happy in the cage and in the dream i was planning to get them home. Also watched two mating parrots. It wasn’t a per store rather someone’s home that I had visited who was happily ready to give me these animals. And finally in the dream I see myself gleefully bringing a beautiful white rabbit home.. cuddling it like a baby with the promise to come back later with a cage to carry the birds home. A red budgie, a yellow budgie and a pair of parrots
Hi Binita,
“To see a rabbit in your dream signifies luck, magical power, and success. You have a positive outlook on life. Alternatively, rabbits symbolise abundance, warmth, fertility and sexual activity. Perhaps your sex life needs to be kept in check.” Remember, only you can truly interpret your dreams. Best of luck with this and try to meditate on what the colours might symbolise.
Love, Alyce
What could such a dream mean.
I had a dream that a bird was screaming in agony as though it were being attacked. I looked up into the branches of a tree and saw a crow violently pecking at a cardinal. The cardinal was visibly wounded and managed to fly to another branch within distance of me where it let out a finally chirp before blood poured from it’s eyes and beak. I woke up in fear and still can recall it quite vividly.
Thanks for sharing your dream with us, Dana.
Love, Alyce
I dreamt about a huge bird in a disguise that approached a friend of mine. My friend was was perched outside a window looking in at the bird which intrigued us. I was in a car looking at my friend who was dressed in armour. This friend is insignificant. I haven’t heard from him in a while and is infact the brother of my best friend. Either way, he is looking in and this huge bird realizes that this man is outside looking at him. He approaches the man and reaches out with the claws. Grabs him and then crushes him by the ribs. You can see this huge bird just claw into his body. I said, surely my friend is dead. The bird continues and inserts the beak several times into his body and blood starts gushing out. The man, my friend is stuck by now and can’t get away. The dream was quite graphic and I woke up as the bird continued to gore the man.
Hi Rolando,
Thanks for taking the time to share this very graphic and frightening dream. Only you can truly interpret your dreams, Hopefully, you find some resolution to this – dreams are nothing to fear.
Love, Alyce
I had a dream where I was on my old street running down the sidewalk & there use to be a middle aged women and her husband who sat on their porch, well anywho as I ran passed I seen him release a black bird inside stepped it and kept running then he released a few more and I dodged them but as I reached my old house in the dream one lacked its beck on to my pointer finger and I was shaking my hand dramatically trying to get it to release then I woke up. And idea what this could mean? Not sure what kind of bird it was but was all black that I do know!
Hi Matt,
Perhaps read my post on dreaming about your childhood home http://alycevayleauthor.com/2016/03/29/dreaming-of-your-childhood-home/
Sweet dreams,
Sorry for my bad typing and auto correct have fat fingers haha! Not inside I meant i side stepped the first bird & lached not lacked. & any not and Sorry for the misspelles!
No problem. Thanks for sharing your dream, Matt.
i had a dream i saw 3 white birds in my room with their poops. m not sure of the type of birds..but i think it’s a dove…so i took them outside after seeing it poops..please what is the meaning of this dream
Hi Ola,
Thanks for sharing your dream with us. Only you can truly interpret your dreams. I found one interpretation of “poop” : “To see or come in contact with feces signifies aspects of yourself that are dirty and negative and which you believe to be undesirable and repulsive. You need to acknowledge and express these feelings, even though it may be shameful. Release the negativity in your life. Alternatively, it may also refer to someone who is anal retentive.”
Perhaps meditate on the deeper meaning for you.
Love, Alyce
Pleade do help me I saw a dream that 2 eagles were making together on roof. And they were so big even bigger than the tractors .
Hi Shah,
According to http://dreammoods.com/ eagles symbolise, “nobility, pride, fierceness, freedom, superiority, courage, and powerful intellectual ability.” They also represent self-renewal and your connection with your spirituality. As for seeing two eagles mating – sex can often mean two aspects of yourself merging – particularly contrasting elements of your personality.
Thanks for sharing your dream.
I had a dream last few days before tat many love birds wer surrounded by me n started to bite my finger n few love birds wer sitting on my head,i was strucked too to get that birds from my head,, in the end I pulled all birds slowing,..wat is the meaning of this dream abt? Pls reply
Hi Shashi-
To dream of birds on the attack means that you are being pulled in too many directions. To dream that your fingers are injured denotes your anxieties about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some waking situation. http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/dreamdictionarysearch.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=fingers Remember, only you can truly interpret your dreams. I hope you can meditate on this some more and gain some deeper meaning.
Love, Alyce
Hi Alyce,
Last night in my dream a baby African parrot (it’s a grey bird) flew from somewhere, and hanged on my right hip. Then he moved on my chest. I petted him, and it was a very nice feeling. We looked to each other, and he made sounds as a chick, but then he said with a parrot voice “I love you”. It was a pleasant dream, but with all my experience in reading dreams it’s hard to get its meaning. I need to mention that today is my soon birthday. It could be a connection, and nothing other special event happened today … but I still confused about the meaning.
Thanks for sharing your dream with us , Paul. To dream of birds on the attack means that you are being pulled in too many directions. Perhaps you are reconciling this feeling with the loving words your bird has spoken to you. Remember, only you can truly interpret your dreams. I suggest you meditate on these symbols and ask your guides for spiritual help before you next go to sleep.
Love, Alyce.
I had a dream last night that left me abit puzzled . I was driving with the windows open. Three white cockatoos were flying beside me. One cockatoo flies inside my car and tries to bite the back of my neck, but I shoo it away and it flew out of my car and shut the all the windows.
What does this dream mean
Hi Helen,
Attacking birds: To dream of birds on the attack means that you are being pulled in too many directions.
Three: Three stands for a trilogy, as in the past, present, and future or father, mother, and child or body, mind, and soul, etc.
Car: Your direction in life
I think your dream means that you feel hassled by opposing forces in your life that you are trying to shut out. Remember, only you can truly interpret your dreams. I suggest you meditate on these symbols and ask your guides for spiritual help before you next go to sleep.
–Good luck and (hopefully) sweet dreams.
Love, Alyce
I saw two birds. One bird was in a cage and was larger then a parrot. It had red, orange and yellow feathers making it look like fire. I was at someone else’s house. An old lady had sewing supplies on her desk and was sitting at that desk. There was another bird beside her, outside of its cage. It was small and brown. She told me that if I took out the red bird- it would attack and kill the brown bird. For some reason I took it out but no harm came to the brown bird. The lady didn’t seem to be bothered. I woke up from that dream and fell asleep into another one. The same two birds were in it. But there wasn’t any lady with them. Throughout the dream I held the brown bird in my hands, while the red bird stay hooked to my shoulders. I am never the one to have dreams. I can’t remember them, or I just dream darkness.
Hi Tamara,
Ok – your symbols:
Colourful parrot – To see a parrot in your dream MIGHT represent some message or gossip that is being conveyed to you.
Old lady – She might indicate that there may be something in the past that you need to incorporate into your current life; she might be a wise figure
Sewing – To dream that you are sewing suggests that you are trying to make amends with others. There may be a situation or relationship that needs to be repaired
Brown bird – To see birds in your dream symbolises your goals, aspirations and hopes. A brown bird might mean your “everyday goals”
–Have a think about what this dream was trying to show you holistically. You might be trying to reconcile the flamboyant, impressive parts of yourself with the everyday, run-of-the-mill aspects of your personality.
–Love, Alyce
Hi Alyce,
I normally get a dream thata Kite is trying to attack me. In some dreams Someone calls my name and then a Kite attacks me…
What is the significance?
Hi Kaustubh,
To dream that you are flying a kite suggests that even though you have high ambitions and goals, you still remain well-grounded. So, to dream that you are being attacked by a kite shows that you are potentially afraid of your ambitions or you have been “cut down” when trying to achieve or reach for something.
Try to meditate on the meaning.
–Love, Alyce
Last night I dreamed of being gifted a white cockatoo. It was very gentle and loving. I awoke with my right arm physically out stretched as if picking the bird up from his perch. Then today during waking life I was walking to a store and a golden ladybug, with several spots land on my left forearm and stay there for about an hour and a half or so while I continued to do things around the house. Any ideas on what they could mean if they were somehow connected?
Hi Mark,
Wow – some cool symbols there. Being given a white cockatoo is a very interesting symbol. Cockatoos are noisy, intelligent and chatty – is that how you see yourself? ladybugs are often associated with good luck – so a golden ladybug is a double-luck symbol. It’s been a while since you posted your dream but has anything really lucky happened in the meantime? I would guess that you’ve been given a promotion or some sort of windfall. Alternatively, this might indicate spiritual gifts or maybe more happy social times coming your way. Has a friend gone out of their way to back you up and support you lately? I think you must be well loved.
I had a dream I was returning home at night. It’s raining. I can see a large but sickly looking male goose crossing the street. I make eye contact with it and I get the instinct to run away. He charges at me to attack and bite me and I freeze. But when he bites, I’m surprised it doesn’t hurt. I’m no longer afraid of it.
Thanks for sharing your dream with us, Alba.
How would you interpret it?
I had a dream yesterday. I’m with my father and mother. Suddenly, two birds came and they attack my father but afterwards they form a twister on me and it’s feels like I fall on something and I saw only white background with blurry black infront of me. That’s the time I realise that I was dreaming. I’m trying to wake up and I feel that I’m standing up with my bed but my body doesn’t move. I’ve tried it three times and successfully managed to woke up. I’m really scared of that scenario and I saw the time and it’s 1:23am. One of the bird was colored brown but I couldn’t remember the other bird’s color. Hope you can have some clarification on what I’ve dream of.
Hi Chris-
OK, so the symbols in your dream are: Mother and Father. Birds attacking your father. Sleep paralysis. Twister. I think this dream is indicating that you need to spend some time meditating on the emotions your father is bringing up within you at the moment. Twisters or tornadoes might indicate that you are experiencing some extreme emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. Is there a situation or relationship in your life that may be potentially destructive?
–Love, Alyce
I had a dream that my older sister and I were driving on a highway. It was windy, the car had a sunroof that was open. I noticed a white bird struggling against the wind, as we drove closer to it, it flew/glided into our car through our sunroof. It was a Cockatoo, and it spread all it’s feathers once it landed. I remember feeling anxious as it walked or climbed towards me from the back seat, and sat in my lap.
It was calm, and soft, my sister and I laughed. We brought the bird to my mom’s home, she was there. We all laughed together about it. The bird let all of us pet and hold him/her, then calmly flew around the house.
That’s when I woke up.
My mom’s home was destroyed by hurricane Irma, she’s packing to move out. We live 500 miles way from each other, I’m working on heading her way to help move her.
I’m thinking maybe it’s related to everything she’s going through?
Hi Kay,
Well, if you have woken up with the sense that the dream was related to what’s going on in your life, then it probably was! Our unconscious sends us messages about these things. “To see a cockatoo in your dream implies that you tend to wear your emotions on your sleeve. You are not one to hide your true feelings. Dreaming of a white cockatoo indicates that you are feeling calm.” But cockatoos are also noisy, and cheeky and funny, they make themselves known to the crowd.
Lots of love, Alyce
I’ve had a reoccurring dream of me being in my back yard and the trees are filled with beautiful vibrant birds of all kinds, and in my yard beautiful violet colored flowers just start popping up. When I reach out my hand to see if the birds would come to me, they did. The birds were absolutely beautiful. What does this mean?
Had a bad and scary dream
There was this blue bird
Very smat and very aggressive
It wanted to kill me
I tried to scape or to lock him up but he would scape from anything , he was very strong
Finally i got him locked in a bag and took a sharp object to drive through him
But as soon as i touched him i felt really really bad
I stoped
Bird was talking to me
He said that he would have preferred me finishing him quick and not painful!
I couldn’t countinue
Thanks for sharing your dream Sam. Very poetic!
It’s amazing to find this thread.
I often have extremely vivid dreams that I feel for days after, to date the most vivid had been seeing a large planet cross in front of the earth and a hand written note from the hand of god that had “work more” written on it.
Last night I had an action packed, vivid adrenaline pumping and very life like dream of pelicans on the attack.
It was as though these huge white in colour killer pelicans were on a mission to eliminate myself and all of human kind in violent apocalyptic fashion. The birds beaks were smashing through the roof of cars, panic stricken people were shooting back at the white pelicans with guns.
I remember being amused and entertained and woke at this point, I was eager and somewhat scared to go back to sleep but I was desperate to enter that reality again. This dream was extremely powerful and rare as I have rarely experienced the continuation of a dream upon returning asleep.
I didn’t seem to die but was in awe of the vividness and power of the situation.
My life has been very colourful and stressful. I currently in Indonesia after giving up on a desperate 6 year custody dispute. I’m broken over my ex partner telling me to kill myself and the alienation of my family after trying to hurt myself.
I left Australia without much money and the hope of healing and getting to experience some happiness at least once.
I hope this isn’t a strange post and I hope you can help me.
I’m a Christian, ex criminal and 41 years of age.
Thank you so much.
Hello, I had a dream that I was on a roof watching multiple birds sitting on the roof and covering themselves from other birds flying overhead and pooping on them but not on me. Weird dream but what does this mean?
Hi Kevin,
Hmmm. To see or come in contact with poop signifies aspects of yourself that are dirty and negative and which you believe to be undesirable and repulsive. You need to acknowledge and express these feelings, even though it may be shameful. Also, birds represent physical and emotional freedom. They can also represent spiritual feelings. To see a roof in your dream symbolises a barrier between two states of consciousness.
–Love, Alyce
HI. I had a very weird dream.
IT was a hen or a cock, a huge one- it was chasing and attacking me. I tried hiding away but somehow it always found me. I could see that my brother chasing it and taking it away, locking it but it always ended up finding me and poking me. I have absolutely no idea what that means but i woke up with a start.
I had a dream that my blue parakeet turned all red color and he was attackin me and overtime he would hit me, a blood would appear. He attacked my hand and there was blood on it. After he went back to his cage, he went back to his normal color but his eyes had blood on it. I told my friend about my dream and he told me that someone is furious with me, someone that I really trust will show his/her true colors. That someone is pretending that likes me but he/she really wants bad things happening to me.
I had a dream that there was a bed in an open space somewhere and i was lying on it and then suddenly a big white bird with big yellow mouth comes from the sky and starts bitting my foot and my toes.the bird was huge. I start screaming with pain but its not letting me go. There was someone else with me aswell but i dont know who it was. I ask for help but he or she doesnt reply.
Can u tell me what does this imply?
Hi Mahnoor,
To dream of aggressive birds (if they were attacking you, or killing people, in your dream) is a warning to be careful with those around you. To see the colour yellow in your dream (if the dream is an unpleasant one) then the colour represents deceit, disgrace, betrayal, cowardice and sickness. To dream of biting someone in your dream signifies the pressure you are putting on some people causing them great distress.
Meditate on the deeper feelings you experienced in this dream and look at what’s going on in your life at this time. It might feel like you are under attack and trying to defend yourself. Or, the “attacks” could be symbolic of something else.
Thanks for sharing your dream.
I recently had a dream about pastel trees with matching pastel birds inhabiting them. As I was flying by the birds in the trees, they themselves would fly out of the trees. Every tree was a different color and very vivid. And as I mentioned, the birds would match the tree they were perched on. It was very beautiful, but a little unsettling.
Hey, so I dreamed about how there was a lot of black birds that we’re flying in the sky they were crying for help and that something is coming for them and it’s been bothering me a lot, and how later in the dream a lot of the black birds were attacking my house and the windows. I’ve been trying to figure out what it could mean. Do u know what it could possibly mean??
Hi Mace,
According to Dream Moods, black symbolises the unknown, the unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, rejection, hate or malice. The color invites you to delve deeper in your unconscious in order to gain a better understanding of yourself. It also signifies a lack of love and lack of support. More positively, black represents potential and possibilities. It is like a clean or blank slate.
Take this into account when trying to work your what your bird dream is trying to tell you.
Love, Alyce
Hi, so i dreamt about being in a house with full of people. Some of these people might have been family but i’m not so sure. The house had one floor but it had lot of rooms of different sizes, all connected. No doors or open doors. There were also a lot of birds in the house. Two types i can remember: one was a big grey swan like bird with sharp beak and claws and the other was a small black penguin like bird with small pointing beaks. If i got too close to the big grey birds would grab a hold of me and could only set myslelf free with the help of people around. While the grey birds would hold me, their beaks were dangerously close to my neck. It made me feel like they could maul me any minute. The small black penguins would just follow me around and try to peck my lower body with their beaks. I could hold off their pecks with my palm easily and it was not hurt full. I sometimes could divert the small back ones to attack other people if i was clever. The big grey ones were mostly static and very slow so it was mostly a matter of dodging them. Most of what i did was going around the rooms running from the small black penguins and trying to avoid the big grey birds. I vividly remember at some point near the end that i asked some people around if they had a shield or something else i can use to hold off the black penguins and a random woman answeard “no it has to be like this, closer to their natural habitat” or something like it. Then shortly after i woke up.
I was looking at these three swallows or robins sitting just in front of me.
As I opened my mouth to sing, the middle one flew into my mouth! I started to spit it out, thinking not to harm it. It very briefly occurred to me that it must have made a mistake looking for a nesting hole! Then I woke up.
Ok, I had a dream that felt symbolic so I’m just trying to figure it out. I was shirtless in a giant world (Everything around me was bigger then it should have been) but I was the same size. For some reason I was trying to get to this house but I don’t remember much about that part. It was really dark in a foresty type of area and I had a feeling of fear. I was crouching down making my way up a hill when I spotted a giant black bird sleeping or laying in it’s nest. I knew the bird would attack me if I disturbed her or tried to take her eggs but i had no plans of doing such things so i thought i would be safe. I started sneaking behind the bird when suddenly she woke up and flew into the air targeting me. I remember the sinking fear as I fled as fast as I could through the forest. For some reason I could see through the eagles eyes. I was watching myself running past monsters and thick bush from an aerial perspective. Suddenly I started diving towards myself. I switched perspectives back to my own again just in time to feel the talons from the bird engulf my arms. Its almost as if the birds size decreased when it landed. The bird started striking and biting my hands with her beak. When she bit down I remember feeling everything! I felt the texture of her beak, I felt something that reminded me of some sort of razor blade lined within her beak, I remember the feeling of her feathers rubbing against me, I remember her talons griping my arms hard as they dug in to the point of penetration. The weirdest of all, I remember the feeling and the taste of my hand in my own beak as I gashed open and tore through the tissues of my own hand. The pain was intense. I tried reaching for the back of her head as she continued her onslot. (In my head) I took a half of a second to realize how beautiful she was and how thick her feathers were as I brushed my hand though them. When I grabbed her head I felt something I can only describe as a sharp horn under her feathers. The textures were rough and jagged. She pierced my hand as she rammed the back of her head into my right hand then immediately striked my left hand with her beak. She repeated this consistently as I tried pulling my arms away from eacthother. I struggled to do so as her talons were dancing for better grip with one on each of my arms tearing through my muscle with every step. When suddenly I felt her wings open and brush against my face as she took flight and distanced herself. So much pain and loneliness. I looked at my hands with terror and calmness. They were shredded. Strings of my skin were convoluted and torn. Chunks of myself were missing and left behind torn ligaments and muscle. I felt cold from the blood loss yet clean. I had an over whelming since of purity as I fell to the ground hitting the back of my head hard enough to wake me up.
I dreamt that I was in a basement and what I thought was an ostrich, (although it was much shorter) kept running after me, and I finally hid under a blanket and it was pecking at me and then I woke up. Just curious what that could mean. Thanks and much love to you!
Thanks again Layla 🙂
Part of my dream was seeing several birds (or young chickens? I did not see feathers on them though) on the floor about to be slaughtered. What could this mean? Much thanks.
Hi Nel,
Chickens can sometimes symbolise fear, or cowardice. Think about how this might apply to your situation.
Love, Alyce
I dreamt as I am driving my scooty n crow is following me with my scooty speed, almost rolling on earth, and making sound of some vehicle. As I turn back it flies away, first I dint get what it was so I look second time thinking that its some vehicle but shockingly there was no vehicle and I stop my scooty to watch again n I found that its a crow n as I stop it flies away I got scared badly n woke up.
N the road I was travelling was road to my primary school.
Please reveal the meaning of this dream for me
Hi Alyce
I saw a dream today in which, a crow or raven sat and/or attacked my head and tried to peck my head and/or pluck hair. What could that mean?
Hi Alyce,
I had a dream about Lovebirds and one was drinking so i put my hand out to it and it flew onto my head, then it started walking round on my head. But i could feel the sensation as if the bird was actually on my head walking around and i started to go ooo and i giggled as i was now awake.
Dreaming all my budgies are Dead or dying
I dreamt that I was travelling with a friend and we came across a field, we both had to go to the washroom. An outhouse was across a the field. As we crossed I kept seeing holes in the ground and little birds of all varieties were in them. They would just look out but stay in the open holes.
I am unsure if they couldn’t fly. I feel like they liked it in their holes……I attempted to take photos of them but couldn’t for some reason.
what could this mean?
Hi Tash,
Well birds could indicate spirituality, hiding in a hole could indicate that you are afraid to show your spiritual side. A dream that shows a photograph might symbolise a need to “understand something from your past”.
Love, Alyce
Hi, I dreamt that I could see evil spirits around me when looking through a camera, I wasn’t scared but knew it was evil and then I was outside and I called gods name to get rid of the evil, at that moment a flock of beautiful birds, pale blue came from nowhere and flew in circles scaring of the evil entities? It was truly beautiful and I am so glad that I remembered the dream. I have just broken up from a long term relationship that has left me feeling very hurt and deceived and I have been questioning that persons intentions in my mind, thinking that they might be of a dark energy. I myself am a light worker and have been looking for a way to have faith In god for many years but have been unable to fully devote myself to any religion so far.
Many thanks
Thanks for sharing your dream Kelli.
I had a dream last night, it started out with me picking up a knocked over box with a lot of black baby birds in it. That was just one of about three boxes though. I’m not sure where they came from, but I was panicked as I was rescuring them in some way. The ones in the upright boxes had already been tended to and we’re fine, but the ones that I had to pick up were very near death, until I dropped a few droplets of water in each of their mouths…they lived because of this. I was content looking at the three boxes filled with the baby birds. Some other things happened after that with an badly injured doe, but because this article is about birds, I will keep it at that
Thanks for sharing your dream with us, Tahjianna!
Love, Alyce
My dream started off nice because it was snowing and I love winter, me and my Parents were making our way to a house. This was not my house but I guess it was in the dream I never said anything because I was so happy that my Biological parents were together knowing that in the real world they divorced. We walk up the stairs to the house and a bird attacked my father my mother was screaming trying to help and I was stuck. I couldn’t do anything I was just stuck. My mother looked at my father and said “oh my god” as if the bird did damage. He took something out of his eye but not his actual eyeball, something that resembled a contact. The bird walked towards me as I stood in the front door of the house and I slammed the door as the bird left.
Thanks for sharing your dream wit us, Arman–Alyce
In my dream, I was in an old home staying for vacations and this home was surrounded by water like a lake or similar tobAmsterdam but the water looked clearer. And I was in the kitchen and saw a bird with red head and some blue in its body and was going to say Hi and take a picture. It started attacking me and making holes in my skin ( hands, arms, maybe legs too). So I was trying to push away the bird but it will get a hold of me. Finally I got rid of it but I could see the holes on my skin. I was surrounded by my family but they didn’t do anything in the dream. The holes didn’t hurt but they were awful. I naturally love all animals but in my dream after that attack I was scared of any bird around me. Any idea what this might mean?