FitBit Tracker Review | Metabolism Woes & Plateaus | Getting fit

FitBit Tracker Review | Metabolism Woes & Plateaus

Here is my FitBit Tracker Review: Have you ever been able to lose weight fairly easily? There are some times in life when the weight seems to drop off quickly, often without effort. But sometimes, it feels as if we are doing all the right things and the scales simply won’t budge – or even worse, they go higher!

According to Webster, metabolism is “the chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living organisms.”

Some sources claim that not all of us have metabolisms that “process continuously” the same way. Most scientific studies indicate that some people have slow metabolisms and others have fast ones. A FitBit Tracker Review was something I felt that I had to do, as I am not 100% in love with this product, but you might be.

FitBit Tracker Review: track your calories, activities and metabolic rate

FitBit Tracker Review | Metabolism Woes & Plateaus | FitBit device
Using a FitBit to track your progress might work for some but there are drawbacks

At the moment, there are things like FitBit and the indiegoo – and I personally think these are pretty inaccurate and crappy. I was given a FitBit and really, it aint nothing but an incredibly flashy and expensive pedometer. All the other gadgets and features it boasts are inferior to other apps and programs you find online, for example it’s inbuilt calorie counter is LOUSY compared to Calorie King (check for your country’s version) or My Fitness Pal and it’s tracking facility is inferior to apps like Run Keeper.

Basically FitBits are activity trackers, “wireless-enabled wearable technology devices that measure data such as the number of steps walked, heart rate, quality of sleep, steps climbed, and other personal metrics,” according to their main site. The first of these was the Fitbit Tracker, similar to the Gen-1 model I was using. Honestly, I found it too fiddly and gimmicky to really get into.

Slow or fast metabolism? Understanding BMI & BMR

FitBit Tracker Review | Metabolism Woes & Plateaus | BMI
What is BMI, why is it important and how do you calculate it?

FitBit is now so big that this tracker even has its own mission statement, website and team. FitBit Tracker Review pages are all over the web. There are some studies that say you can’t change your metabolism – but many people may have anecdotal evidence that this is not true. Some people say that there have been periods of their life where their body seems to be chewing through the calories. For a start, being at a higher altitude will make you burn more calories, and as we age we burn fewer calories too.

What is your Basal Metabolic Rate?

BMR is different to BMI but they are linked in many ways. To find out more about BMI read The BMI formula | Understanding BMI 10 ways

You can actually calculate your BMR – this is your Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the amount your body (supposedly burns) each day based on your age, gender, height and weight.

A 34 your old woman at 168 centimetres (5 feet 6 inches) and weighing 61 kilograms or 135 pounds (such as yours truly) would have a BMR of 2164 calories if I engaged in moderate activity each day.

If I remain completely sedentary (for example, sick in bed all day) my body would only burn 1396 calories each day.

That’s according to this particular calendar. Of course the calendar doesn’t really know about my particular body, only statistics of a body matching mine. It has been my personal theory for a while that maybe our bodies burn different calorie amounts at different times of the year (winter/summer) different times of the day (midnight/midday) and even through different emotions (having prolonged stress vs. a very happy period). Lots of people have sought out a FitBit Tracker Review to best judge whether this product is able to assist them in their goals – so will it?

How to calculate your BMR

FitBit Tracker Review | Metabolism Woes & Plateaus | Checking FitBit
Are you planning on using a FitBit tracker to improve your fitness?

To calculate your BMR with a metric or imperial calculator go to this website.

Lots of people report weight loss plateaus when they lose weight – when their weight seems to stop going down and seems to stagnate or even go higher. In the past, this has been attributed to our bodies getting used to a program of eating and exercising and adjusting its metabolic needs to this. But new research has indicated that we’re just getting lazy.

Are you simply returning to your old habits?

BMR or BMI, the important thing in fitness is balance. A report has suggested that a weight loss plateau is largely to the fact that people tend to relax their eating habits over time and this easing leads to slight gains.

From the Huffington Post: “It would take the body three years to reach a metabolic plateau,” says lead author Dr. Kevin D. Hall from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. “If you stick to a diet exactly, you should expect your weight loss to continue for years, albeit not at the same rate.”

The Mayo Clinic seems to think differently: ‘A plateau occurs because your metabolism — the process of burning calories for energy — slows as you lose muscle. You burn fewer calories than you did at your heavier weight even doing the same activities. Your weight-loss efforts result in a new equilibrium with your now slower metabolism.’

Information on metabolism contradicts

FitBit Tracker Review | Metabolism Woes & Plateaus | Pushups
Getting fit can be a challenge. Devices like FitBit have taken off

So – we have contradicting pieces of information here. Personally I think we should abandon the search for a cure for cancer and move more money in researching how metabolism and calories really work on the individual and in finding ways of giving people methods of accurately tracking their own body’s metabolism.

  1. June 27, 2013

    I always thought metabolism was more of an excuse used by people that can’t lose weight, or at least that’s what I was told when I would complain that I couldn’t lose weight! Good post overall, and I will try the Run Keeper app you mentioned.


    1. June 27, 2013

      Rhian – I always thought the same thing. Plus – as I mentioned – people really have no accurate way of tracking our metabolic rate. Run Keeper is excellent – and it’s free. My Fitness Pal is also very user-friendly. Thanks for your comment!

  2. August 19, 2013

    Really cool submit, highly educational and well-written..Good Job

    1. August 20, 2013

      thanks so much for your comment, Kidneys!

  3. October 3, 2013

    モンクレール ダウン レディース 旅 ブーツ

  4. Matthew
    March 14, 2014

    Interesting read, but it does not explain the “plateau” of my friend who I’ve been assisting in his weight-loss journey. He initially was losing 3-4 lbs/week. After about 3 weeks went up 0.2 lbs, then down an average of 0.5 lbs for 3 weeks in a row. He has been closely monitoring his calories (and I have been monitoring his monitoring :-). He has been rather faithful to his workout plan and he has been averaging 6,300 calorie deficit for the past 4 weeks, while during the initial weeks his deficit averaged 5,000. We are using FitBit, which you say is inaccurate, but in this case, it is underestimating his calories burned.
    I guess 0.5 lbs a week isn’t quite a “plateau,” but it’s certainly enough to discourage him considering how hard he’s working. I’ll just keep up the encouragement, to get him through this perceived rut.

    1. March 14, 2014

      Hi Matthew-

      Thanks so much for your comment. As a person who previously struggled with my weight – I am far too familiar with unreasonable plateaus. Often, it would seem like I was doing all the right things and my body would not respond. As your friend is realizing, the body is not a machine, and even though we ‘crunch the numbers’ it doesn’t always equal weight loss. Now I no longer worry about my weight but I do track it (I am BMI 21). My body fluctuates. This has to do with water retention, sleep, saltiness of my food, my health, my sleeping patterns, and a bunch of other stuff. I am not a nutritionist but one method I think works for some is the zig zag method – where you eat lots one day and fast a bit the next – often this can ‘shake the body up’. Google “zig Zag diet” but be sensible and follow a good one.

      All the best to you and your friend. Thanks again for your comment and please stay in touch.


  5. Pingback: Burn 100 cals | Burn 100 calories | Your BMR & weight loss

  6. Pingback: Why I Have Gained Weight & How I Am Going To Fix It

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